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one of a variety of

  • 1 Naassenes (One of a variety of Gnostic sects included under the designation Ophites)

    Религия: наассиниане

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Naassenes (One of a variety of Gnostic sects included under the designation Ophites)

  • 2 variety

    1) (diversity) Vielfältigkeit, die; (in style, diet, routine, programme) Abwechslung, die

    add or give variety to something — etwas abwechslungsreicher gestalten

    2) (assortment) Auswahl, die (of an + Dat., von)

    for a variety of reasonsaus verschiedenen Gründen

    a wide variety of birds/flowers — viele verschiedene Vogelarten/Blumen

    3) (Theatre) Varietee, das
    4) (form) Art, die; (of fruit, vegetable, cigarette) Sorte, die
    5) (Biol.) Unterart, die; Varietät, die (fachspr.); (cultivated) Züchtung, die; Rasse, die
    * * *
    plural - varieties; noun
    1) (the quality of being of many different kinds or of being varied: There's a great deal of variety in this job.) die Abwechslung
    2) (a mixed collection or range: The children got a variety of toys on their birthdays.) die Vielfalt
    3) (a sort or kind: They grow fourteen different varieties of rose.) die Spielart
    4) (a type of mixed theatrical entertainment including dances, songs, short sketches etc: I much prefer operas to variety; ( also adjective) a variety show.) das Variete'; Variete'...
    * * *
    [vəˈraɪəti, AM -ət̬i]
    1. no pl (absence of monotony) Vielfalt f; (in a job also) Abwechslungsreichtum m; ECON Auswahl f
    to lend \variety Abwechslung bieten [o bringen
    2. no pl (differing from one another) Verschiedenartigkeit f
    a \variety of (range of things) verschiedene
    a \variety of courses verschiedene Kurse
    a \variety of different possibilities eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Möglichkeiten
    this device can be used for a \variety of purposes dieses Gerät kann für die unterschiedlichsten Verwendungszwecke eingesetzt werden
    \variety of products COMM Angebotsvielfalt f
    in a \variety of ways auf vielfältige Weise
    4. (category) Art f, Variation f; BIOL Spezies f
    a new \variety of tulip/sweetcorn eine neue Tulpen-/Maissorte
    5. no pl (entertainment) Variété nt
    \variety is the spice of life ( prov) Abwechslung macht das Leben interessanter
    * * *
    1) (= diversity) Abwechslung f
    2) (= assortment) Vielfalt f; (COMM) Auswahl f (of an +dat)

    or colors (US)in den verschiedensten Farben pl

    for a variety of reasonsaus verschiedenen or mehreren Gründen

    a wide variety of birdseine große Vielfalt an Vogelarten, viele verschiedene Vogelarten

    3) (BIOL, BOT: species) Art f, Varietät f (spec)
    4) (= type) Art f; (of cigarette, potato) Sorte f; (of chair) Modell nt

    a new variety of tulip/potato — eine neue Tulpen-/Kartoffelsorte

    5) (esp Brit THEAT) Varieté nt, Varietee nt
    * * *
    variety [vəˈraıətı] s
    1. Verschiedenheit f, Buntheit f, Mannigfaltigkeit f, Vielseitigkeit f, Abwechslung f:
    add variety to Abwechslung bringen in (akk);
    variety is the spice of life (Sprichwort) Abwechslung ist die Würze des Lebens
    2. Vielfalt f, Reihe f, Anzahl f, besonders WIRTSCH Auswahl f:
    a variety of silks ein Sortiment von Seidenstoffen;
    for a variety of reasons aus den verschiedensten Gründen
    3. Sorte f, Art f
    4. allg Spielart f
    5. BOT, ZOOL
    a) Varietät f (Unterabteilung einer Art)
    b) Spielart f, Variante f
    6. Varieté n
    7. academic.ru/79767/variety_store">variety store
    var. abk
    5. various versch(ied).
    * * *
    1) (diversity) Vielfältigkeit, die; (in style, diet, routine, programme) Abwechslung, die

    add or give variety to something — etwas abwechslungsreicher gestalten

    2) (assortment) Auswahl, die (of an + Dat., von)

    a wide variety of birds/flowers — viele verschiedene Vogelarten/Blumen

    3) (Theatre) Varietee, das
    4) (form) Art, die; (of fruit, vegetable, cigarette) Sorte, die
    5) (Biol.) Unterart, die; Varietät, die (fachspr.); (cultivated) Züchtung, die; Rasse, die
    * * *
    Art -en f.
    Auswahl -en f.
    Buntheit -en f.
    Mannigfaltigkeit f.
    Sorte -- f.
    Verschiedenheit f.
    Vielfalt -en f.

    English-german dictionary > variety

  • 3 variety

    [və΄raiəti] n բազմազանություն, զանա զանություն. այլազանություն. variety in one’s diet բազմազան սնունդ. for the sake of variety հանուն բազմազանության. a wide variety of opinions/ duties կարծիքների/պարտ ա կա նություն ների մեծ բազմազանություն. in a variety of ways ամենատարբեր ձևով. a wide variety of goods ապրանքների մեծ տեսականի. for a variety of reason տարբեր պատճառներով. lack of variety միօրինակություն. (տեսակ, տարբերակ) a new variety of apple խնձորի նոր տեսակ. թատր. էստրադա, թեթև ժանրի ներկայացում. variety artist/show էստրադային դերա սան/ներ կայացում.variety theatre էստրադային թատրոն

    English-Armenian dictionary > variety

  • 4 variety

    va·ri·ety [vəʼraɪəti, Am -ət̬i] n
    1) no pl ( absence of monotony) Vielfalt f; ( in a job also) Abwechslungsreichtum m; econ Auswahl f;
    to lend \variety Abwechslung bieten [o bringen];
    2) no pl ( differing from one another) Verschiedenartigkeit f
    a \variety of ( range of things) verschiedene;
    a \variety of courses verschiedene Kurse;
    a \variety of different possibilities eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Möglichkeiten;
    this device can be used for a \variety of purposes dieses Gerät kann für die unterschiedlichsten Verwendungszwecke eingesetzt werden;
    in a \variety of ways auf vielfältige Weise
    4) ( category) Art f, Variation f; biol Spezies f;
    a new \variety of tulip/ sweetcorn eine neue Tulpen-/Maissorte
    5) no pl ( entertainment) Varietee nt
    \variety is the spice of life ( of life) Abwechslung macht das Leben interessanter

    English-German students dictionary > variety

  • 5 variety

    تَعَدُّد \ variety: a number of kinds: a variety of colours from which one can choose. \ تَنَوُّع \ variety: the state of being different: His meals lack variety (The food is usually the same at each meal).

    Arabic-English glossary > variety

  • 6 variety is the spice of life

    перемены придают остроту жизни [выражение создано поэтом У. Каупером (W. Cowper, 1731-1800): Variety is the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavour. (‘The Task’, ‘The Timepiece’)]

    Massingham: "You go in for variety, my lord." Bishop: "The spice of life, Massingham." (‘Best Australian One-Act Plays’, H. Drake-Brockman, ‘Dampier's Ghost’) — Мессингем: "Вы жаждете перемен, милорд." Епископ: "Они придают остроту жизни, Мессингем."

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > variety is the spice of life

  • 7 one price store

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > one price store

  • 8 One-Way Street

       1950 – США (79 мин)
         Произв. UI (Леонард Голдстин)
         Реж. УГО ФРЕГОНЕЗЕ
         Сцен. Лоуренс Кимбл
         Опер. Мори Герцман
         Муз. Фрэнк Скиннер
         В ролях Джеймс Мейсон (доктор Мэтсон), Марта Торен (Лора), Дэн Дуриа (Уилер), Уильям Конрад (Олли), Кинг Донован (Гридер), Джек Элам (Арни), Тито Ренальдо (Хэнк Торрес), Бэзил Райсдейл (отец Морено), Родольфо Акоста (Франсиско Моралес).
       Лос-Анджелес. Доктор Мэтсон, лечащий врач местной мафии, циник и фаталист, расставляет ловушку небольшой группе бандитов, только что совершившей ограбление, убедив их предводителя Уилера, что пилюли от мигрени, которые тот проглотил по его настоянию, на самом деле – смертельный яд. Мэтсон обещает передать ему противоядие через час и таким образом получает возможность спокойно улизнуть с добычей и любовницей Уилера Лорой, изъявившей желание отправиться с ним. На мексиканской границе они садятся в маленький частный самолет, который должен доставить их прямиком в Мехико. Но из-за поломки пилот совершает вынужденную посадку в деревне. Бродячий священник отводит их в маленькое поселение, где Мэтсону предстоит проявить свои способности врача и ветеринара. Он сталкивается с сопротивлением «ведьмы» и местных бандитов, но наградой становится тихое счастье с Лорой. Мэтсон обретает забытый покой, с пользой занимаясь любимым делом и построив для местных жителей импровизированную больницу. Однако Уилер выходит на его след. Мэтсон решает действовать на опережение и возвращается в Лос-Анджелес, чтобы отдать деньги. Но он твердо намерен не отдавать Лору. Уилер при смерти. Его смертельно ранил сообщник, который требует, чтобы Мэтсон отдал деньги ему. Обороняясь, Мэтсон убивает сообщника и уходит, оставив деньги на месте преступления. Он возвращается к Лоре. Казалось бы, кошмар позади, но, переходя через дорогу, он попадает под машину. Получается, что он поспел как раз вовремя на давно назначенное свидание со смертью.
         1-й американский фильм аргентинского режиссера Уго Фрегонезе. Из всех сценариев, предложенных ему студией «Universal», он выбирает эту оригинальную – во всех смыслах – историю Лоуренса Кимбла, которая позволяет создать нуар с очень необычной структурой, отражающей двойную природу южноамериканца, приехавшего работать в северные штаты. В самом деле, перед нами – триптих, чья центральная часть (43 мин), освежающая, залитая солнечным светом, происходит на лоне природы, а ее обрамлением служат 2 другие части (26 мин + 10 мин), чье действие происходит в городе, ночью, под дождем и с неумолимой жестокостью выражает фатализм, свойственный жанру. Парадоксальным образом это необычное окружение только удваивает силу центральной части. Мексиканская часть, оазис в жизни героя, не поможет ему избежать трагического конца, уготованного судьбой. С нежностью, отчетливостью и деликатностью, подобные которым можно обнаружить в фильмах Иды Лупино, Фрегонезе стремится показать одновременно душевные раны героя и процесс их заживления. Но он не столь оптимистичен, как Лупино, и поэтому рана, едва зажив, вновь становится смертельной. В этом фильме, который, при всем своем формализме, сохраняет крайне живую эмоциональность, Фрегонезе великолепно управляет контрастами, порожденными самой структурой повествования. Он с равным, элегантным и жестоким мастерством управляет и хищниками большого города (Дэн Дуриа в своем привычном амплуа, с которым, впрочем, справляется безупречно), и неуравновешенным героем Мейсона, чей фатализм в конце концов оказывается оправдан, и бесценной Мартой Торен с обеспокоенным и ясным взглядом. Это 1-й фильм, снятый режиссером в Голливуде, и в нем уже различимы все элементы его будущего творчества, колеблющегося на грани между огромным желанием верить в человека (см. Мои шесть каторжан, My Six Convicts, 1952) и пессимизмом, который чаще всего одерживает верх. Одностороннее движение чуть было не кануло в Лету, поскольку у «Universal» были в то время свои любимцы, и фильм попал лишь в очень ограниченный прокат; в 1974 г. Джеймс Мейсон сказал, что не встречал ни одного человека, кто бы видел эту картину. И тем не менее эта «экскурсия по фатализму», по выражению критика из газеты «Variety», казалось, имела все шансы на прекрасное будущее в прокате.

    Авторская энциклопедия фильмов Жака Лурселля > One-Way Street

  • 9 one-stop shopping

    the ability of a single financial institution to offer a full variety of financial services

    The ultimate business dictionary > one-stop shopping

  • 10 it appears that one and the same monomer may polymerize in a variety of ways

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > it appears that one and the same monomer may polymerize in a variety of ways

  • 11 una de varios

    Ex. This literature may be in one of a variety of languages.
    * * *

    Ex: This literature may be in one of a variety of languages.

    Spanish-English dictionary > una de varios

  • 12 магазин мелких товаров с определенной шкалой цен

    one-price store, variety store

    4000 полезных слов и выражений > магазин мелких товаров с определенной шкалой цен

  • 13 collard greens

       One of a variety of "greens" with a firm leaf and sharp flavor.

    Italiano-Inglese Cucina internazionale > collard greens

  • 14 un

    an, a.
    * * *
    1 a, an
    1 (numeral) one
    2 (indef) some
    un día volverá he'll come some day Table 1 NOTA See also uno,-a/Table 1
    * * *
    1. adj. 2. = una, art.
    a, an
    - unos I
    - unas I
    * * *
    un, -a
    1. ART INDEF
    1) [en singular] [refiriéndose a algo no conocido o de forma imprecisa] a; [antes de vocal o de h] an; [dando mayor énfasis, con expresiones temporales] one
    2) [en plural]
    a) [uso indefinido] (=algunos) some; (=pocos) a few

    hay unas cervezas en la neverathere are a few o some beers in the fridge

    b) [con partes del cuerpo]
    c) [con objetos a pares] some
    d) [con cantidades, cifras] about, around

    había unas 20 personasthere were about o around 20 people, there were some 20 people

    unos 80 dólaresabout o around 80 dollars, some 80 dollars

    3) [enfático]

    ¡se dio un golpe...! — he banged himself really hard!

    ¡había una gente más rara...! — there were some real weirdos there! *

    ¡sois unos vagos! — you're so lazy!

    ADJ [numeral] one

    una excursión de un día — a one-day trip, a day trip

    * * *
    (pl unos), una (pl unas) articulo
    [the masculine article un is also used before feminine nouns which begin with stressed a or ha e.g. un arma poderosa, un hambre feroz]
    1) (sing) a; (delante de sonido vocálico) an; (pl) some

    tú haces unas preguntas... — you do ask some questions!

    me dio una vergüenza... — I was so embarrassed!

    4) (sing) ( como genérico)
    5) (pl) ( expresando aproximación) about
    * * *
    (pl unos), una (pl unas) articulo
    [the masculine article un is also used before feminine nouns which begin with stressed a or ha e.g. un arma poderosa, un hambre feroz]
    1) (sing) a; (delante de sonido vocálico) an; (pl) some

    tú haces unas preguntas... — you do ask some questions!

    me dio una vergüenza... — I was so embarrassed!

    4) (sing) ( como genérico)
    5) (pl) ( expresando aproximación) about
    * * *

    Ex: A good example is the British Catalogue of Music Classification.

    * a uno u otro lado de = on either side of.
    * a un paso asombroso = at an astounding pace.
    * cada uno = apiece, each.
    * cambiar de una vez a otra = vary + from time to time.
    * cercano uno del otro = in close proximity.
    * cerca uno del otro = in close proximity.
    * dedicar unos minutos = take + a few minutes.
    * de uno a otro = across.
    * en unos momentos = momentarily, at any moment.
    * estar hecho el uno para el otro = be well suited to each other, be two of a kind, be a right pair.
    * estar un poco anticuado = be some years old.
    * los unos a costa de los otros = at each other's expense.
    * lo uno es tan malo como lo otro = one is as bad as the other.
    * más de unos cuantos + Nombre = not a few + Nombre.
    * ni lo uno ni lo otro = in-between, betwixt and between.
    * por mencionar sólo unos pocos = to name but a few.
    * por mencionar unos pocos = just to name a few.
    * por nombrar sólo unos cuantos = to name only some.
    * pospuesto una y otra vez = ever-postponed.
    * ser complementario el uno del otro = be integral one to another.
    * ser uno de entre varios + Nombre = be one of a number of + Nombre.
    * todos y cada uno = all and sundry, each and everyone.
    * todos y cada uno de = any and every, any and all.
    * tropezar los unos con los otros = trip over + each other.
    * una amplia gama de = a wide band of, a wide variety of, a wide range of, a broad variety of, a broad range of.
    * una amplia variedad de = a broad variety of, a wide range of, a broad range of.
    * una apuesta segura = a sure bet.
    * una avalancha de = a flood of, a flood tide of.
    * un abanico de = a palette of.
    * una bobadita = a little something.
    * una buena alternativa a = the next best thing to.
    * una buena cantidad de = a fair amount of.
    * una buena cosa = a good thing.
    * una buena forma de empezar = a good way to start.
    * una buena parte de = a large measure of, a good deal of, a great deal of.
    * una buena pesca = a good catch.
    * una cadena de = a necklace of.
    * una cadena de + Montañas = a range of + Montañas.
    * una cantidad ingente de = a wealth of.
    * una capa fina de = a skim of.
    * una causa perdida = a dead dog.
    * una cierta cantidad de = a measure of, a proportion of.
    * una clase de = a kind of.
    * una colección desordenada de = a scrapbook of.
    * una combinación de = a mixture of, a mix of, a rollup of.
    * una comparsa de = a cavalcade of.
    * una constelación de = a galaxy of.
    * una convocatoria de = a call for.
    * una cosa no + tener + nada que ver con la otra = one thing + have + nothing to do with the other.
    * una cosita = a little something.
    * una cubeta llena de = a pailful of.
    * una cucharadita de = a teaspoon of.
    * una cuestión de principios = a matter of principle.
    * una cuestión de vida o muerte = a matter of life and death.
    * una desgracia = a crying shame.
    * una de varios = one of a variety of.
    * una diversidad de = a variety of, an array of, a mosaic of, a diversity of, a menu of.
    * una escasez de = a dearth of.
    * una especie de = a kind of.
    * una especie de + Nombre = Nombre + of sorts.
    * una espléndida variedad de = a panoply of.
    * una estaca en el corazón = a stake in the heart.
    * una estructura de = a pattern of.
    * una eternidad = ages and ages (and ages).
    * una fortuna = a king's ransom.
    * una fuente de = a treasure trove of.
    * una gama de = a suite of, a palette of.
    * una gama de posibilidades = a palette of possibilities.
    * una gama muy variada de = a whole gamut of.
    * una gama variada de = a trawling of.
    * una gran = a large measure of.
    * una gran cantidad de = a good deal of, a great deal of, a large degree of, a mass of, a plethora of, a supply of, a vast amount of, a city of, a wealth of, a sea of, a cascade of, an army of, a good many, a huge number of, a great number of, a multitude of, scores of, a host of, a vast corpus of, a whole host of.
    * una gran cantidad y variedad de = a wealth and breadth of.
    * una gran diversidad de = a wide range of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of.
    * una gran experiencia = a wealth of experience.
    * una gran extensión de = a sea of.
    * una gran gama de = a wide range of, a rich tapestry of, a wide band of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of, a whole gamut of.
    * una gran mayoría de = a large proportion of.
    * una gran parte de = a broad population of, a lion's share of.
    * una gran pérdida = a great loss.
    * una gran proporción de = a large proportion of.
    * una gran variedad de = a wide range of, a multiplicity of, a rich tapestry of, a plurality of, a broad variety of, a broad range of, a whole gamut of.
    * una grupo impreciso de = a cloud of.
    * una guía general = a rough guide.
    * una idea general = a rough guide.
    * una inmensa cantidad de = a treasure chest of, a huge number of.
    * una intentona de = attempted.
    * un aire de = an air of, a whiff of.
    * una joya = a little gem.
    * una lotería = hit (and/or) miss.
    * un alto en el camino = a stop on the road, a pit stop on the road.
    * un aluvión de = a flood of, a rash of, a barrage of, a flurry of.
    * una manera de empezar = a foot in the door.
    * un amante = a little something on the side.
    * una mayor variedad de = a wider canvas of.
    * una mejor ocasión = a better time.
    * una mezcla de = a mixture of, a blend of, a mix of, a rollup of.
    * una mina de = a treasure trove of.
    * una mina de información = a mine of information.
    * una mina inagotable de = a treasure house of.
    * una minoría de = a minority of.
    * una minoría selecta = a select few.
    * una miscelánea de = a miscellany of.
    * una misma cosa = one and the same.
    * una montaña de = a mountain of.
    * un amplio espectro de = a broad band of, a broad spectrum of, a wide band of.
    * una muestra variada de = a mosaic of.
    * una mujer de mundo = a woman of the world.
    * una multidud de = a host of.
    * una multiplicidad de = a multiplicity of.
    * una multitud de = a swarm of.
    * una necesidad cada vez mayor = a growing need.
    * una negociación justa = a square deal.
    * una noche tras otra = night after night.
    * una nube de = a haze of, a cloud of, a swarm of.
    * un año tras otro = year after year.
    * una ola de = a wave of, a tide of.
    * una oleada de = an army of, a flurry of, a swell of.
    * una oportunidad casi segura = a sporting chance.
    * una oportunidad como es debido = a fair chance.
    * una oportunidad de triunfar = a fighting chance.
    * una oportunidad única en la vida = once in a lifetime opportunity.
    * una organización de = a pattern of.
    * una palmada en la espalda = a pat on the back.
    * una palmadita en la espala = a pat on the back.
    * una pareja ideal = a match made in heaven.
    * una pareja perfecta = a match made in heaven.
    * una parte de = a share of, a snatch of.
    * una pequeña minoría de = a marginal fringe of.
    * una pérdida constante de = a haemorrhage of.
    * una pila de = a pile of, a stack of, a sackful of, a whole slew of, a raft of, a mass of.
    * una pincelada de = a splash of, a hint of.
    * una pizca de = a dash of, a grain of, a pinch of.
    * una pizca de verdad = a grain of truth.
    * una plena convicción de = a strong sense of.
    * una posibilidad muy remota = a long shot.
    * una primera y última vez = a first and last time.
    * una probabilidad muy alta = a sporting chance.
    * una profusión de = a profusion of.
    * una provisión constante de = a diet of.
    * una racha de = a rash of, a stretch of.
    * una retahíla de = a volley of, a string of.
    * una ristra de = a long tail of, a volley of.
    * un arraigado sentido de = a strong sense of.
    * un arte = a fine art.
    * un arte en extinción = a dying art.
    * un arte que se está perdiendo = a dying art.
    * una salva de = a volley of.
    * una sarta de = a volley of.
    * una sarta de mentiras = a sackful of lies, a pack of lies.
    * unas cuantas ideas = a rough guide.
    * una segunda opinión = a second opinion.
    * una segunda vez = a second time around, a second time.
    * una selecta minoría, una minoría selecta, unos pocos elegidos = a select few.
    * una semblanza de = an air of.
    * una serie de = a choice of, a number of, a range of, a series of, a suite of, an array of, a string of, a pattern of, a stream of, a battery of, a succession of.
    * una serie de + Nombre + organizados por turnos = a rota of + Nombre.
    * un aspecto de = an air of.
    * una sucesión de = a succession of.
    * una tanda de = a flurry of.
    * un ataque de = an access of, a shock of.
    * una tentativa de = attempted.
    * una tira de = a raft of.
    * un atisbo de = a hint of.
    * una tontería = a little something.
    * una tormenta en un vaso de agua = a tempest in a teapot.
    * una última vez = one last time.
    * una única fuente para Algo = one-stop, one-stop shopping, one stop shop.
    * un auténtico infierno = a living hell.
    * una variada gama de = a whole gamut of.
    * una variedad de = a range of, a variety of, an array of, an assortment of, a spectrum of, a menu of, a diversity of, a palette of.
    * una variedad muy rica de = a treasure of.
    * una vasta cantidad de = a vast amount of.
    * una verdadera lástima = a crying shame.
    * una verdadera pena = a crying shame.
    * una vez cada quincena = once a fortnight.
    * una vez cumplimentado = completed.
    * una vez + Participio = upon + Nombre.
    * una vez + Participio Pasado = having + Participio Pasado, having + just + Participio Pasado.
    * una vez + Participio Pasado + Nombre = with + Nombre + Participio Pasado.
    * una vez que + Frase = once + Frase.
    * una vez quincenalmente = once a fortnight.
    * una vez relleno = completed.
    * una vista digna de contemplar = a sight to behold.
    * una vista digna de ver = a sight to behold.
    * una yarda de largo = a yard long.
    * una zona de = a stretch of.
    * un bariburrillo de = a welter of.
    * un bebé = a babe in arms.
    * un bocadito = a little something.
    * un bombardeo de = a barrage of.
    * un buen lugar de partida = a good place to start.
    * un buen número de = a good number of.
    * un buen partido = a good catch.
    * un camino largo y difícil = a long haul.
    * un camión de = a truckload of.
    * un caso perdido = a dead dog.
    * un caudal de experiencia = a wealth of experience.
    * un centro único = one stop shop.
    * un chorreón de = a splash of, a hint of.
    * un chorretón de = a splash of, a hint of.
    * un cierto grado de = a certain amount of, a modicum of.
    * un cierto número de = a number of.
    * un conglomerado de = a conglomeration of.
    * un conjunto cada vez mayor de = a growing body of.
    * un conjunto de = a set of, a suite of, a pool of, an assembly of, a pattern of, a universe of, a harvest of, a complement of.
    * un corpus de = a body of.
    * un costal de = a sackful of.
    * un cuarto = one in four.
    * un cuarto de = a quarter of.
    * un cúmulo de = a treasure trove of.
    * un detalle = a little something.
    * un día de descanso = a day away from.
    * un día fuera = a day out.
    * un día haciendo algo diferente = a day away from.
    * un día normal = on a typical day.
    * un día sí y otro no = every other day.
    * un día sí y otro también = day in and day out.
    * un día tras otro = day after day.
    * un día y medio = one and a half days.
    * un dineral = a king's ransom, a huge amount of money.
    * un donnadie = a nobody.
    * un ejemplo claro = a case in question, a case in point.
    * un ejército de = an army of.
    * un enjambre de = a swarm of.
    * un equipo de = a team of.
    * un espectáculo digno de contemplar = a sight to behold.
    * un espectáculo digno de ver = a sight to behold.
    * un fuerte sentimiento de = a strong sense of.
    * un gran diversidad de = a broad range of.
    * un gran espectro de = a wide band of, a wide band of.
    * un gran número de = a good deal of, a great deal of, a plethora of, a wide range of, a full roster of, a fair number of, a great number of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of, a vast corpus of.
    * un grano de arena en el desierto = a drop in the ocean, a drop of water in a bucket.
    * un gran repertorio de = an arsenal of, an armoury of [armory].
    * un gran volumen de = a vast corpus of.
    * un grupo aferrado de = a hard core of.
    * un grupo cada vez mayor de = a growing body of.
    * un grupo de = a set of, a bunch of, a crop of, a pool of, a cadre of, a cluster of, a galaxy of, a clutch of, a company of.
    * un grupo de gente variada = a cast of people.
    * un grupo incondicional de = a hard core of.
    * un grupo variado de = a collection of.
    * un halo de bruma = a veil of mist.
    * un hombre de gentes = a man of the people.
    * un hombre de mundo = a man of the world.
    * un hombre de palabra = a man of his word.
    * un hombre de pocas palabras = a man of few words, a man of few words.
    * un intento de = an exercise in, attempted.
    * un juego de = a battery of.
    * un kaleidoscopio de = a mosaic of.
    * un lecho de rosas = a bed of roses.
    * un lujo asiático = the lap of luxury.
    * un manojo de llaves = a set of + keys.
    * un manojo de nervios = a bundle of nerves.
    * un mar de = a sea of.
    * un mar de papel = a sea of + paper.
    * un medio para alcanzar un fin = a means to an end.
    * un medio para conseguir un fin = a means to an end.
    * un medio para llegar a fin = a means to an end.
    * un mejor momento = a better time.
    * un mequetrefe = a nobody.
    * un minuto en los labios, para siempre en las caderas = a minute on the lips, forever on the hips.
    * un momento bueno de = a peak of.
    * un momento determinado = a frozen moment in time, a given moment in time.
    * un montón = like crazy, like mad.
    * un montonazo = like crazy, like mad.
    * un montonazo de = a truckload of, a whole slew of, a raft of.
    * un montonazo de dinero = a huge amount of money.
    * un montón de = a pile of, a stack of, a bundle of, a truckload of, a sackful of, a raft of.
    * un montón de dinero = a huge amount of money.
    * un mundo aparte = a world apart, a breed apart.
    * un + Nombre + a altas horas de la noche = a late night + Nombre.
    * un + Nombre + a primera hora de la mañana = an early morning + Nombre.
    * un + Nombre + a última hora de la mañana = a late morning + Nombre.
    * un + Nombre + por la mañana temprano = an early morning + Nombre.
    * un no sé qué = a je ne sais quoi.
    * un nuevo comienzo = a fresh start.
    * un nuevo impulso = a new lease of life.
    * un número cada vez mayor = growing numbers.
    * un número cada vez mayor de = a growing number of, a growing body of.
    * un número de = a series of.
    * un número reducido de = a residue of, a small number of.
    * un número variado de + Nombre = any number of + Nombre.
    * un oásis de = an oasis of.
    * uno de los + Nombre + más + Adjetivo = not the least + Adjetivo + Nombre, not the least of the + Adjetivo + Nombre.
    * uno de los + Nombre + más importante = not the least + Nombre.
    * uno de los + Nombre + más importantes = not the least of + Nombre.
    * uno de tantos = little fish in a big pond.
    * uno más = one of equals.
    * unos + Cantidad = around + Cantidad.
    * unos con otros = one another.
    * unos cuantos = a few, a smattering of + Nombre Contable, a sprinkling of.
    * unos de otros = one another.
    * unos días más tarde = a few days later.
    * unos encima de los otros = one on another.
    * unos + Fecha = about + Fecha.
    * unos + Número = some + Número.
    * unos pocos elegidos = a select few.
    * unos segundos de reflexión = a moment's thought, a moment's reflection.
    * uno u otro = one or another.
    * un paquete de = a suite of.
    * un paquete integrado de programas = a suite of + programmes.
    * un paquete ofimático integrado = a suite of office automation software.
    * un par de = a couple of.
    * un par de minutos = a couple of moments.
    * un pasado oscuro = a dark past.
    * un paso por delante de = one step ahead of.
    * un pequeño puntito = just a little dot.
    * un período de = a stretch of.
    * un período determinado = a frozen moment in time.
    * un periodo intenso de = a flurry of.
    * un pilón de = a raft of, a mass of, a stack of.
    * un poco = a bit, somewhat, slightly, something of, a little bit, kinda [kind of].
    * un poco áspero = roughish.
    * un poco como = kind of like.
    * un poco de = a measure of, a touch (of), a bit of, a piece of, a spot of, a splash of, a hint of.
    * un poco + Nombre = a shade + Nombre.
    * un poco obscuro = dusky.
    * un poco perdido = a bit at sea.
    * un poco rugoso = roughish.
    * un popurrí de = a potpourri of, a welter of.
    * un poquito = a wee bit.
    * un poquito (de) = a dash of, a tiny bit of, a splash of, a hint of, a touch (of).
    * un porrón de tiempo = donkey's years.
    * un puñado de = a bunch of, a handful of, a clutch of.
    * un querido = a little something on the side.
    * un rato = awhile.
    * un rayo de = a shimmer of.
    * un rayo de esperanza = a faint glimmer of light.
    * un rayo de luz esperanzador = a faint glimmer of light, a peep of light.
    * un regalito = a little something.
    * un revoltijo de = a jumble of, a welter of.
    * un rosario de = a rash of.
    * un saco de = a sackful of.
    * un saco lleno de = a sackful of.
    * un servicio las 24 horas = a 24-hour service.
    * un sinfín de = a myriad of, a host of, a whole host of.
    * un sinnúmero de = a myriad of, a host of, a whole host of.
    * un sueño hecho realidad = a dream come true.
    * un surtido de = an assortment of.
    * un tanto + Adjetivo = vaguely + Adjetivo.
    * un tiempo = awhile.
    * un tipo de = a kind of.
    * un toque de = a touch of, a splash of, a hint of.
    * un torrente de = a cascade of.
    * un total de = a universe of, a total of.
    * un trabajo bien hecho = a job well done.
    * un trabajo cualquiera = casual job.
    * un tramo de = a stretch of.
    * un trato justo = a square deal.
    * un trozo de = a piece of, a snatch of, a stretch of.
    * un velo de bruma = a veil of mist.
    * un viso de = a whiff of.
    * variar de una vez a otra = vary + from time to time.

    * * *
    (en Col) = Universidad Nacional
    * * *


    un (pl
    unos), una (pl unas) art the masculine article un is also used before feminine nouns which begin with stressed a or ha e.g. un arma poderosa, un hambre feroz

    1 ( sing) a;
    ( delante de sonido vocálico) an;
    (pl) some;

    un asunto importante an important matter;
    hay unas cartas para ti there are some letters for you;
    tiene unos ojos preciosos he has lovely eyes
    2 ( con valor ponderativo):
    tú haces unas preguntas … you do ask some questions!

    3 ( con nombres propios) a;

    4 (pl) ( expresando aproximación) about;

    un, una
    I art indet
    1 a
    una azafata, a hostess
    (antes de vocal) an
    un paraguas, an umbrella
    2 unos,-as, some: pasamos unos días en la playa, we spent some days by the sea
    II adj (cardinal) one: solo queda una, there is only one
    un kilo de azúcar, one kilo of sugar ➣ tb uno,-a
    'un' also found in these entries:
    - abajo
    - abanderar
    - abandonar
    - abandono
    - abanico
    - abatirse
    - aberración
    - abertura
    - abierta
    - abierto
    - abismo
    - ablandar
    - abogada
    - abogado
    - abordar
    - abrir
    - abrazar
    - abrazo
    - abreviar
    - abrigar
    - abrochar
    - abrupta
    - abrupto
    - absoluta
    - absoluto
    - absurda
    - absurdo
    - abusar
    - abusiva
    - abusivo
    - abusón
    - abusona
    - acá
    - acabada
    - acabado
    - acariciar
    - acaudillar
    - accidental
    - accidente
    - acelerón
    - acento
    - achatamiento
    - achicar
    - acidez
    - acierto
    - aclimatarse
    - acoger
    - acogida
    - acompañar
    - abandon
    - abandoned
    - about
    - abridged
    - abroad
    - abrupt
    - absent
    - absolute
    - abuse
    - academy
    - accent
    - accept
    - acceptable
    - accepted
    - accidentally
    - accommodation
    - accomplishment
    - accuracy
    - accurate
    - accustom
    - achievement
    - acknowledgement
    - across
    - act
    - action
    - actual
    - addicted
    - adjourn
    - adjust
    - administer
    - administration
    - admission
    - admit
    - advance
    - advertise
    - advice
    - advise
    - adviser
    - afford
    - Afro
    - after
    - after-sales
    - aged
    - agent
    - aggravating
    - aggregate
    - aggressive
    - agree
    - agreement
    * * *
    un, una1 (mpl unos, fpl unas) art indeterminado Un is used instead of una before feminine nouns which begin with a stressed “a” or “ha” (e.g. un águila an eagle; un hacha an axe).
    1. [singular] a;
    [ante sonido vocálico] an;
    un hombre/tren a man/train;
    una mujer/mesa a woman/table;
    una hora an hour;
    tengo un hambre enorme I'm extremely hungry;
    un Picasso auténtico a genuine Picasso;
    un niño necesita cariño children need o a child needs affection
    2. [plural] some;
    tengo unos regalos para ti I have some presents for you;
    llegaremos en unos minutos we will arrive in a few minutes;
    había unos coches mal estacionados there were some badly parked cars;
    son unas personas muy amables they are very kind people;
    tiene unas ganas enormes de viajar he is extremely keen to travel;
    unas tijeras/gafas a pair of scissors/glasses;
    llevaba unas gafas de sol she was wearing sunglasses
    3. [ante números] [indica aproximación]
    había unos doce muchachos there were about o some twelve boys there
    4. [con valor enfático]
    ¡me dio una pena! I felt so sorry for her!;
    se te ocurren unas ideas you have some really odd ideas
    * * *
    un, una
    art indet a; antes de vocal y h muda an;
    unos coches/pájaros some cars/birds
    * * *
    un uno
    un, una art, mpl unos
    1) : a, an
    2) unos or unas pl
    : some, a few
    hace unas semanas: a few weeks ago
    3) unos or unas pl
    : about, approximately
    unos veinte años antes: about twenty years before
    * * *
    un det a / an

    Spanish-English dictionary > un

  • 15 un2

    = a (an).
    Ex. A good example is the British Catalogue of Music Classification.
    * a uno u otro lado de = on either side of.
    * a un paso asombroso = at an astounding pace.
    * cada uno = apiece, each.
    * cambiar de una vez a otra = vary + from time to time.
    * cercano uno del otro = in close proximity.
    * cerca uno del otro = in close proximity.
    * dedicar unos minutos = take + a few minutes.
    * de uno a otro = across.
    * en unos momentos = momentarily, at any moment.
    * estar hecho el uno para el otro = be well suited to each other, be two of a kind, be a right pair.
    * estar un poco anticuado = be some years old.
    * los unos a costa de los otros = at each other's expense.
    * lo uno es tan malo como lo otro = one is as bad as the other.
    * más de unos cuantos + Nombre = not a few + Nombre.
    * ni lo uno ni lo otro = in-between, betwixt and between.
    * por mencionar sólo unos pocos = to name but a few.
    * por mencionar unos pocos = just to name a few.
    * por nombrar sólo unos cuantos = to name only some.
    * pospuesto una y otra vez = ever-postponed.
    * ser complementario el uno del otro = be integral one to another.
    * ser uno de entre varios + Nombre = be one of a number of + Nombre.
    * todos y cada uno = all and sundry, each and everyone.
    * todos y cada uno de = any and every, any and all.
    * tropezar los unos con los otros = trip over + each other.
    * una amplia gama de = a wide band of, a wide variety of, a wide range of, a broad variety of, a broad range of.
    * una amplia variedad de = a broad variety of, a wide range of, a broad range of.
    * una apuesta segura = a sure bet.
    * una avalancha de = a flood of, a flood tide of.
    * un abanico de = a palette of.
    * una bobadita = a little something.
    * una buena alternativa a = the next best thing to.
    * una buena cantidad de = a fair amount of.
    * una buena cosa = a good thing.
    * una buena forma de empezar = a good way to start.
    * una buena parte de = a large measure of, a good deal of, a great deal of.
    * una buena pesca = a good catch.
    * una cadena de = a necklace of.
    * una cadena de + Montañas = a range of + Montañas.
    * una cantidad ingente de = a wealth of.
    * una capa fina de = a skim of.
    * una causa perdida = a dead dog.
    * una cierta cantidad de = a measure of, a proportion of.
    * una clase de = a kind of.
    * una colección desordenada de = a scrapbook of.
    * una combinación de = a mixture of, a mix of, a rollup of.
    * una comparsa de = a cavalcade of.
    * una constelación de = a galaxy of.
    * una convocatoria de = a call for.
    * una cosa no + tener + nada que ver con la otra = one thing + have + nothing to do with the other.
    * una cosita = a little something.
    * una cubeta llena de = a pailful of.
    * una cucharadita de = a teaspoon of.
    * una cuestión de principios = a matter of principle.
    * una cuestión de vida o muerte = a matter of life and death.
    * una desgracia = a crying shame.
    * una de varios = one of a variety of.
    * una diversidad de = a variety of, an array of, a mosaic of, a diversity of, a menu of.
    * una escasez de = a dearth of.
    * una especie de = a kind of.
    * una especie de + Nombre = Nombre + of sorts.
    * una espléndida variedad de = a panoply of.
    * una estaca en el corazón = a stake in the heart.
    * una estructura de = a pattern of.
    * una eternidad = ages and ages (and ages).
    * una fortuna = a king's ransom.
    * una fuente de = a treasure trove of.
    * una gama de = a suite of, a palette of.
    * una gama de posibilidades = a palette of possibilities.
    * una gama muy variada de = a whole gamut of.
    * una gama variada de = a trawling of.
    * una gran = a large measure of.
    * una gran cantidad de = a good deal of, a great deal of, a large degree of, a mass of, a plethora of, a supply of, a vast amount of, a city of, a wealth of, a sea of, a cascade of, an army of, a good many, a huge number of, a great number of, a multitude of, scores of, a host of, a vast corpus of, a whole host of.
    * una gran cantidad y variedad de = a wealth and breadth of.
    * una gran diversidad de = a wide range of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of.
    * una gran experiencia = a wealth of experience.
    * una gran extensión de = a sea of.
    * una gran gama de = a wide range of, a rich tapestry of, a wide band of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of, a whole gamut of.
    * una gran mayoría de = a large proportion of.
    * una gran parte de = a broad population of, a lion's share of.
    * una gran pérdida = a great loss.
    * una gran proporción de = a large proportion of.
    * una gran variedad de = a wide range of, a multiplicity of, a rich tapestry of, a plurality of, a broad variety of, a broad range of, a whole gamut of.
    * una grupo impreciso de = a cloud of.
    * una guía general = a rough guide.
    * una idea general = a rough guide.
    * una inmensa cantidad de = a treasure chest of, a huge number of.
    * una intentona de = attempted.
    * un aire de = an air of, a whiff of.
    * una joya = a little gem.
    * una lotería = hit (and/or) miss.
    * un alto en el camino = a stop on the road, a pit stop on the road.
    * un aluvión de = a flood of, a rash of, a barrage of, a flurry of.
    * una manera de empezar = a foot in the door.
    * una mayor variedad de = a wider canvas of.
    * una mejor ocasión = a better time.
    * una mezcla de = a mixture of, a blend of, a mix of, a rollup of.
    * una mina de = a treasure trove of.
    * una mina de información = a mine of information.
    * una mina inagotable de = a treasure house of.
    * una minoría de = a minority of.
    * una minoría selecta = a select few.
    * una miscelánea de = a miscellany of.
    * una misma cosa = one and the same.
    * una montaña de = a mountain of.
    * un amplio espectro de = a broad band of, a broad spectrum of, a wide band of.
    * una muestra variada de = a mosaic of.
    * una mujer de mundo = a woman of the world.
    * una multidud de = a host of.
    * una multiplicidad de = a multiplicity of.
    * una multitud de = a swarm of.
    * una necesidad cada vez mayor = a growing need.
    * una negociación justa = a square deal.
    * una noche tras otra = night after night.
    * una nube de = a haze of, a cloud of, a swarm of.
    * un año tras otro = year after year.
    * una ola de = a wave of, a tide of.
    * una oleada de = an army of, a flurry of, a swell of.
    * una oportunidad casi segura = a sporting chance.
    * una oportunidad como es debido = a fair chance.
    * una oportunidad de triunfar = a fighting chance.
    * una oportunidad única en la vida = once in a lifetime opportunity.
    * una organización de = a pattern of.
    * una palmada en la espalda = a pat on the back.
    * una palmadita en la espala = a pat on the back.
    * una pareja ideal = a match made in heaven.
    * una pareja perfecta = a match made in heaven.
    * una parte de = a share of, a snatch of.
    * una pequeña minoría de = a marginal fringe of.
    * una pérdida constante de = a haemorrhage of.
    * una pila de = a pile of, a stack of, a sackful of, a whole slew of, a raft of, a mass of.
    * una pincelada de = a splash of, a hint of.
    * una pizca de = a dash of, a grain of, a pinch of.
    * una pizca de verdad = a grain of truth.
    * una plena convicción de = a strong sense of.
    * una posibilidad muy remota = a long shot.
    * una primera y última vez = a first and last time.
    * una probabilidad muy alta = a sporting chance.
    * una profusión de = a profusion of.
    * una provisión constante de = a diet of.
    * una racha de = a rash of, a stretch of.
    * una retahíla de = a volley of, a string of.
    * una ristra de = a long tail of, a volley of.
    * un arraigado sentido de = a strong sense of.
    * un arte = a fine art.
    * un arte en extinción = a dying art.
    * un arte que se está perdiendo = a dying art.
    * una salva de = a volley of.
    * una sarta de = a volley of.
    * una sarta de mentiras = a sackful of lies, a pack of lies.
    * unas cuantas ideas = a rough guide.
    * una segunda opinión = a second opinion.
    * una segunda vez = a second time around, a second time.
    * una selecta minoría, una minoría selecta, unos pocos elegidos = a select few.
    * una semblanza de = an air of.
    * una serie de = a choice of, a number of, a range of, a series of, a suite of, an array of, a string of, a pattern of, a stream of, a battery of, a succession of.
    * una serie de + Nombre + organizados por turnos = a rota of + Nombre.
    * un aspecto de = an air of.
    * una sucesión de = a succession of.
    * una tanda de = a flurry of.
    * un ataque de = an access of, a shock of.
    * una tentativa de = attempted.
    * una tira de = a raft of.
    * un atisbo de = a hint of.
    * una tontería = a little something.
    * una tormenta en un vaso de agua = a tempest in a teapot.
    * una última vez = one last time.
    * una única fuente para Algo = one-stop, one-stop shopping, one stop shop.
    * un auténtico infierno = a living hell.
    * una variada gama de = a whole gamut of.
    * una variedad de = a range of, a variety of, an array of, an assortment of, a spectrum of, a menu of, a diversity of, a palette of.
    * una variedad muy rica de = a treasure of.
    * una vasta cantidad de = a vast amount of.
    * una verdadera lástima = a crying shame.
    * una verdadera pena = a crying shame.
    * una vez cada quincena = once a fortnight.
    * una vez cumplimentado = completed.
    * una vez + Participio = upon + Nombre.
    * una vez + Participio Pasado = having + Participio Pasado, having + just + Participio Pasado.
    * una vez + Participio Pasado + Nombre = with + Nombre + Participio Pasado.
    * una vez que + Frase = once + Frase.
    * una vez quincenalmente = once a fortnight.
    * una vez relleno = completed.
    * una vista digna de contemplar = a sight to behold.
    * una vista digna de ver = a sight to behold.
    * una yarda de largo = a yard long.
    * una zona de = a stretch of.
    * un bariburrillo de = a welter of.
    * un bebé = a babe in arms.
    * un bocadito = a little something.
    * un bombardeo de = a barrage of.
    * un buen lugar de partida = a good place to start.
    * un buen número de = a good number of.
    * un buen partido = a good catch.
    * un camino largo y difícil = a long haul.
    * un camión de = a truckload of.
    * un caso perdido = a dead dog.
    * un caudal de experiencia = a wealth of experience.
    * un centro único = one stop shop.
    * un chorreón de = a splash of, a hint of.
    * un chorretón de = a splash of, a hint of.
    * un cierto grado de = a certain amount of, a modicum of.
    * un cierto número de = a number of.
    * un conglomerado de = a conglomeration of.
    * un conjunto cada vez mayor de = a growing body of.
    * un conjunto de = a set of, a suite of, a pool of, an assembly of, a pattern of, a universe of, a harvest of, a complement of.
    * un corpus de = a body of.
    * un costal de = a sackful of.
    * un cuarto = one in four.
    * un cuarto de = a quarter of.
    * un cúmulo de = a treasure trove of.
    * un detalle = a little something.
    * un día de descanso = a day away from.
    * un día fuera = a day out.
    * un día haciendo algo diferente = a day away from.
    * un día normal = on a typical day.
    * un día sí y otro no = every other day.
    * un día sí y otro también = day in and day out.
    * un día tras otro = day after day.
    * un día y medio = one and a half days.
    * un dineral = a king's ransom, a huge amount of money.
    * un donnadie = a nobody.
    * un ejemplo claro = a case in question, a case in point.
    * un ejército de = an army of.
    * un enjambre de = a swarm of.
    * un equipo de = a team of.
    * un espectáculo digno de contemplar = a sight to behold.
    * un espectáculo digno de ver = a sight to behold.
    * un fuerte sentimiento de = a strong sense of.
    * un gran diversidad de = a broad range of.
    * un gran espectro de = a wide band of, a wide band of.
    * un gran número de = a good deal of, a great deal of, a plethora of, a wide range of, a full roster of, a fair number of, a great number of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of, a vast corpus of.
    * un grano de arena en el desierto = a drop in the ocean, a drop of water in a bucket.
    * un gran repertorio de = an arsenal of, an armoury of [armory].
    * un gran volumen de = a vast corpus of.
    * un grupo aferrado de = a hard core of.
    * un grupo cada vez mayor de = a growing body of.
    * un grupo de = a set of, a bunch of, a crop of, a pool of, a cadre of, a cluster of, a galaxy of, a clutch of, a company of.
    * un grupo de gente variada = a cast of people.
    * un grupo incondicional de = a hard core of.
    * un grupo variado de = a collection of.
    * un halo de bruma = a veil of mist.
    * un hombre de gentes = a man of the people.
    * un hombre de mundo = a man of the world.
    * un hombre de palabra = a man of his word.
    * un hombre de pocas palabras = a man of few words, a man of few words.
    * un intento de = an exercise in, attempted.
    * un juego de = a battery of.
    * un kaleidoscopio de = a mosaic of.
    * un lecho de rosas = a bed of roses.
    * un lujo asiático = the lap of luxury.
    * un manojo de llaves = a set of + keys.
    * un manojo de nervios = a bundle of nerves.
    * un mar de = a sea of.
    * un mar de papel = a sea of + paper.
    * un medio para alcanzar un fin = a means to an end.
    * un medio para conseguir un fin = a means to an end.
    * un medio para llegar a fin = a means to an end.
    * un mejor momento = a better time.
    * un mequetrefe = a nobody.
    * un minuto en los labios, para siempre en las caderas = a minute on the lips, forever on the hips.
    * un momento bueno de = a peak of.
    * un momento determinado = a frozen moment in time, a given moment in time.
    * un montón = like crazy, like mad.
    * un montonazo = like crazy, like mad.
    * un montonazo de = a truckload of, a whole slew of, a raft of.
    * un montonazo de dinero = a huge amount of money.
    * un montón de = a pile of, a stack of, a bundle of, a truckload of, a sackful of, a raft of.
    * un montón de dinero = a huge amount of money.
    * un mundo aparte = a world apart, a breed apart.
    * un + Nombre + a altas horas de la noche = a late night + Nombre.
    * un + Nombre + a primera hora de la mañana = an early morning + Nombre.
    * un + Nombre + a última hora de la mañana = a late morning + Nombre.
    * un + Nombre + por la mañana temprano = an early morning + Nombre.
    * un no sé qué = a je ne sais quoi.
    * un nuevo comienzo = a fresh start.
    * un nuevo impulso = a new lease of life.
    * un número cada vez mayor = growing numbers.
    * un número cada vez mayor de = a growing number of, a growing body of.
    * un número de = a series of.
    * un número reducido de = a residue of, a small number of.
    * un número variado de + Nombre = any number of + Nombre.
    * un oásis de = an oasis of.
    * uno de los + Nombre + más + Adjetivo = not the least + Adjetivo + Nombre, not the least of the + Adjetivo + Nombre.
    * uno de los + Nombre + más importante = not the least + Nombre.
    * uno de los + Nombre + más importantes = not the least of + Nombre.
    * uno de tantos = little fish in a big pond.
    * uno más = one of equals.
    * unos + Cantidad = around + Cantidad.
    * unos con otros = one another.
    * unos cuantos = a few, a smattering of + Nombre Contable, a sprinkling of.
    * unos de otros = one another.
    * unos días más tarde = a few days later.
    * unos encima de los otros = one on another.
    * unos + Fecha = about + Fecha.
    * unos + Número = some + Número.
    * unos pocos elegidos = a select few.
    * unos segundos de reflexión = a moment's thought, a moment's reflection.
    * uno u otro = one or another.
    * un paquete de = a suite of.
    * un paquete integrado de programas = a suite of + programmes.
    * un paquete ofimático integrado = a suite of office automation software.
    * un par de = a couple of.
    * un par de minutos = a couple of moments.
    * un pasado oscuro = a dark past.
    * un paso por delante de = one step ahead of.
    * un pequeño puntito = just a little dot.
    * un período de = a stretch of.
    * un período determinado = a frozen moment in time.
    * un periodo intenso de = a flurry of.
    * un pilón de = a raft of, a mass of, a stack of.
    * un poco = a bit, somewhat, slightly, something of, a little bit, kinda [kind of].
    * un poco áspero = roughish.
    * un poco como = kind of like.
    * un poco de = a measure of, a touch (of), a bit of, a piece of, a spot of, a splash of, a hint of.
    * un poco + Nombre = a shade + Nombre.
    * un poco obscuro = dusky.
    * un poco perdido = a bit at sea.
    * un poco rugoso = roughish.
    * un popurrí de = a potpourri of, a welter of.
    * un poquito = a wee bit.
    * un poquito (de) = a dash of, a tiny bit of, a splash of, a hint of, a touch (of).
    * un porrón de tiempo = donkey's years.
    * un puñado de = a bunch of, a handful of, a clutch of.
    * un rato = awhile.
    * un rayo de = a shimmer of.
    * un rayo de esperanza = a faint glimmer of light.
    * un rayo de luz esperanzador = a faint glimmer of light, a peep of light.
    * un regalito = a little something.
    * un revoltijo de = a jumble of, a welter of.
    * un rosario de = a rash of.
    * un saco de = a sackful of.
    * un saco lleno de = a sackful of.
    * un servicio las 24 horas = a 24-hour service.
    * un sinfín de = a myriad of, a host of, a whole host of.
    * un sinnúmero de = a myriad of, a host of, a whole host of.
    * un sueño hecho realidad = a dream come true.
    * un surtido de = an assortment of.
    * un tanto + Adjetivo = vaguely + Adjetivo.
    * un tiempo = awhile.
    * un tipo de = a kind of.
    * un toque de = a touch of, a splash of, a hint of.
    * un torrente de = a cascade of.
    * un total de = a universe of, a total of.
    * un trabajo bien hecho = a job well done.
    * un trabajo cualquiera = casual job.
    * un tramo de = a stretch of.
    * un trato justo = a square deal.
    * un trozo de = a piece of, a snatch of, a stretch of.
    * un velo de bruma = a veil of mist.
    * un viso de = a whiff of.
    * variar de una vez a otra = vary + from time to time.

    Spanish-English dictionary > un2

  • 16 varios

    several, many, some, various.
    adj. & m. pl.
    several, many, some, various.
    * * *
    1 (algunos) some, several, a number of
    * * *
    (f. - varias)several, various
    * * *
    - rias pronombre several
    * * *
    = a number of, a series of, a variety of, multiple, one of a variety of, several, various, sundry, a number of different, a plurality of.
    Ex. These four types of information retrieval tools have a number of common features.
    Ex. Edge notch cards have a series of holes around the perimeter.
    Ex. Current trends favour cataloguing practices which can be applied to a variety of library materials.
    Ex. A dual dictionary, as distinct from card-based indexes, can be produced in multiple copies.
    Ex. This literature may be in one of a variety of languages.
    Ex. There may be several entries per document, or merely one.
    Ex. The records in a computer data bases are structured in order to suit the information that is being stored for various applications.
    Ex. Many of the sources of information lack logic, despite the efforts of librarians bibliographers, indexers, and sundry compilers of reference works.
    Ex. Between them, the members of the EEC speak a number of different languages: six are in regular use as operating languages within the Community.
    Ex. Each consists of a plurality of signs that have a known meaning in written or oral form to a number of people.
    * aparcamiento de varios pisos = multi-storey car park.
    * atendido por varias personas = multi-staffed.
    * a varios niveles = at varying levels, many-levelled [many-leveled, -USA].
    * búsqueda de varios ficheros a la vez = multi-file searching.
    * colección en varios volúmenes = multivolume set.
    * compuesto de varias palabras = multi-word.
    * compuesto de varios países = multi-country [multicountry].
    * concepto expresado con varias palabras = database host.
    * con varias alas = multi-wing [multiwing].
    * con varias plantas = multi-storey [multistorey/multistory].
    * con varias sedes = multi-site [multisite].
    * con varios edificios = multi-site [multisite].
    * con varios pisos = multi-storey [multistorey/multistory].
    * curso que abarca varias disciplinas = umbrella course.
    * de hace varios siglos = centuries-old.
    * desde hace varios años + Presente = for several years + Pretérito Perfecto.
    * de varias categorías = multi-category.
    * de varias especialidades = multispeciality [multi-speciality].
    * de varios autores = multi-author.
    * de varios billones = multibillion [multi billion].
    * de varios colores = multi-coloured [multicoloured], multi-colour [multi-color -USA].
    * de varios estados = multi-state [multistate].
    * de varios millones = multi-million [multimillion].
    * de varios tipos = multitype [multi-type].
    * distribuido en varios lugares = multilocationed.
    * divagar sobre varios temas = roam over + topics.
    * durante varios años = for a number of years, for several years.
    * editar varias veces = go into + a number of editions.
    * encabezamiento compuesto de varias palabras = multi-word heading.
    * entre varias bibliotecas = cross-library.
    * entre varias instituciones = inter-institutionally [interinstitutionally].
    * entre varias lenguas = cross-lingual.
    * entre varios países = multi-country [multicountry].
    * en varias disciplinas = cross-domain.
    * en varias etapas = multistage [multi-stage], multi-step.
    * en varias lenguas = cross-lingual, cross-language, multilingually.
    * en varias partes = multi-part [multipart].
    * en varias plantas = multi-storey [multistorey/multistory].
    * en varias sedes = multi-site [multisite].
    * en varios ficheros = cross-file [crossfile].
    * en varios pasos = multi-step.
    * en varios sentidos = in several respects, in various respects.
    * en varios sistemas = cross-system.
    * en varios volúmenes = multi-volume [multivolume].
    * escrito por varios autores = multiauthored [multi-authored].
    * hacer varias copias de Algo = reproduce in + multiple copies.
    * hace varios años = several years ago.
    * monografía en varios volúmenes = multi-part item, multi-volume monograph.
    * nombre compuesto por varias palabras = multiple-word name.
    * obra en varios volúmenes = multi-volume work.
    * por varias razones = for a variety of reasons, for a number of reasons.
    * por varios motivos = for a number of reasons.
    * que afecta a varias edades = cross-age [cross age].
    * que afecta a varias generaciones = cross-generational.
    * relativo a varias edades = cross-age [cross age].
    * ser uno de entre varios + Nombre = be one of a number of + Nombre.
    * sistema bibliotecario de bibliotecas de varios tipos = multitype library system.
    * una de varios = one of a variety of.
    * varios ejemplares = multiple copies.
    * visita con conferencia a varios lugares de un país = lecture tour.
    * * *
    - rias pronombre several
    * * *
    = a number of, a series of, a variety of, multiple, one of a variety of, several, various, sundry, a number of different, a plurality of.

    Ex: These four types of information retrieval tools have a number of common features.

    Ex: Edge notch cards have a series of holes around the perimeter.
    Ex: Current trends favour cataloguing practices which can be applied to a variety of library materials.
    Ex: A dual dictionary, as distinct from card-based indexes, can be produced in multiple copies.
    Ex: This literature may be in one of a variety of languages.
    Ex: There may be several entries per document, or merely one.
    Ex: The records in a computer data bases are structured in order to suit the information that is being stored for various applications.
    Ex: Many of the sources of information lack logic, despite the efforts of librarians bibliographers, indexers, and sundry compilers of reference works.
    Ex: Between them, the members of the EEC speak a number of different languages: six are in regular use as operating languages within the Community.
    Ex: Each consists of a plurality of signs that have a known meaning in written or oral form to a number of people.
    * aparcamiento de varios pisos = multi-storey car park.
    * atendido por varias personas = multi-staffed.
    * a varios niveles = at varying levels, many-levelled [many-leveled, -USA].
    * búsqueda de varios ficheros a la vez = multi-file searching.
    * colección en varios volúmenes = multivolume set.
    * compuesto de varias palabras = multi-word.
    * compuesto de varios países = multi-country [multicountry].
    * concepto expresado con varias palabras = database host.
    * con varias alas = multi-wing [multiwing].
    * con varias plantas = multi-storey [multistorey/multistory].
    * con varias sedes = multi-site [multisite].
    * con varios edificios = multi-site [multisite].
    * con varios pisos = multi-storey [multistorey/multistory].
    * curso que abarca varias disciplinas = umbrella course.
    * de hace varios siglos = centuries-old.
    * desde hace varios años + Presente = for several years + Pretérito Perfecto.
    * de varias categorías = multi-category.
    * de varias especialidades = multispeciality [multi-speciality].
    * de varios autores = multi-author.
    * de varios billones = multibillion [multi billion].
    * de varios colores = multi-coloured [multicoloured], multi-colour [multi-color -USA].
    * de varios estados = multi-state [multistate].
    * de varios millones = multi-million [multimillion].
    * de varios tipos = multitype [multi-type].
    * distribuido en varios lugares = multilocationed.
    * divagar sobre varios temas = roam over + topics.
    * durante varios años = for a number of years, for several years.
    * editar varias veces = go into + a number of editions.
    * encabezamiento compuesto de varias palabras = multi-word heading.
    * entre varias bibliotecas = cross-library.
    * entre varias instituciones = inter-institutionally [interinstitutionally].
    * entre varias lenguas = cross-lingual.
    * entre varios países = multi-country [multicountry].
    * en varias disciplinas = cross-domain.
    * en varias etapas = multistage [multi-stage], multi-step.
    * en varias lenguas = cross-lingual, cross-language, multilingually.
    * en varias partes = multi-part [multipart].
    * en varias plantas = multi-storey [multistorey/multistory].
    * en varias sedes = multi-site [multisite].
    * en varios ficheros = cross-file [crossfile].
    * en varios pasos = multi-step.
    * en varios sentidos = in several respects, in various respects.
    * en varios sistemas = cross-system.
    * en varios volúmenes = multi-volume [multivolume].
    * escrito por varios autores = multiauthored [multi-authored].
    * hacer varias copias de Algo = reproduce in + multiple copies.
    * hace varios años = several years ago.
    * monografía en varios volúmenes = multi-part item, multi-volume monograph.
    * nombre compuesto por varias palabras = multiple-word name.
    * obra en varios volúmenes = multi-volume work.
    * por varias razones = for a variety of reasons, for a number of reasons.
    * por varios motivos = for a number of reasons.
    * que afecta a varias edades = cross-age [cross age].
    * que afecta a varias generaciones = cross-generational.
    * relativo a varias edades = cross-age [cross age].
    * ser uno de entre varios + Nombre = be one of a number of + Nombre.
    * sistema bibliotecario de bibliotecas de varios tipos = multitype library system.
    * una de varios = one of a variety of.
    * varios ejemplares = multiple copies.
    * visita con conferencia a varios lugares de un país = lecture tour.

    * * *
    productos varios assorted products
    enfermedades varias various illnesses
    gastos varios miscellaneous expenses
    varioss de nosotros la habíamos visto several of us had seen it
    lo compraron entre varioss several of them got together to buy it
    varias de las cajas habían sido abiertas several of the boxes had been opened
    lo incluyó en varios she included it in miscellaneous
    * * *

    ◊ - rias pronombre

    lo compraron entre varioss several of them got together to buy it
    varios,-as adjetivo
    1 (más de dos, algunos) several
    2 (distintos, diversos) me enseñó vestidos de varios colores, he showed me dresses in different colours

    ' varios' also found in these entries:
    - caída
    - caído
    - común
    - contingente
    - denunciar
    - diversa
    - diverso
    - escultórica
    - escultórico
    - freelance
    - incendiarse
    - inclinarse
    - método
    - oasis
    - originaria
    - originario
    - pérdida
    - polivalente
    - prolongarse
    - repetida
    - repetido
    - reseña
    - retroceder
    - su
    - varias
    - abarcar
    - antigüedad
    - corte
    - distinto
    - haber
    - impacto
    - incomunicado
    - jugada
    - mejor
    - peor
    - redonda
    - romper
    - saber
    - viaje
    - adaptor
    - arm
    - body
    - deliberate
    - discipline
    - error
    - gap-toothed
    - holiday
    - multistorey
    - multistory
    - must
    - obstacle
    - ours
    - out-of-pocket
    - outnumber
    - several
    - some
    - stubble
    - sundry
    - sustain
    - tear down
    - umbrella organisation
    - variety
    - various
    - by
    - count
    - growth
    - interest
    - involve
    - male
    - multilevel
    - squash
    - sundries
    - turn
    * * *
    varios, -as
    [diversos] several;
    pantalones de varios colores trousers in several o different colours;
    hay varias maneras de hacerlo there are several o various ways of doing it;
    los motivos son varios there are various reasons;
    apareció en artículos varios del periódico it appeared in various articles in the paper
    pron pl
    delante de varios de sus compañeros in front of several colleagues;
    el accidente lo vimos varios quite a few of us saw the accident
    * * *
    adj several
    * * *
    varios adj several

    Spanish-English dictionary > varios

  • 17 множество

    set, aggregate, collection; a good deal, a great number, a lot of
    Внутри каждой группы видно множество... - Within each category one sees a variety of...
    все элементы множества А - all elements of A, each element of A, every element of A, any element of A
    Множество (= разнообразие) таких систем бесконечно, однако... - The variety of such systems is endless, but...
    Можно использовать множество методов. Например,... - A variety of methods may be employed, e. g.,...
    Содержание данного параграфа можно обобщить на множество направлений. - The subject matter of this section can be generalized in numerous directions.
    Это может быть сделано множеством способов. - This can be done in a variety of different ways.

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > множество

  • 18 πνεῦμα

    πνεῦμα, ατος, τό (πνέω; Aeschyl., Pre-Socr., Hdt.+. On the history of the word s. Rtzst., Mysterienrel.3 308ff).
    air in movement, blowing, breathing (even the glowing exhalations of a volcanic crater: Diod S 5, 7, 3)
    wind (Aeschyl. et al.; LXX, EpArist, Philo; Jos., Ant. 2, 343; 349; SibOr 8, 297) in wordplay τὸ πνεῦμα πνεῖ the wind blows J 3:8a (EpJer 60 πνεῦμα ἐν πάσῃ χώρᾳ πνεῖ. But s. TDonn, ET 66, ’54f, 32; JThomas, Restoration Qtrly 24, ’81, 219–24). ὀθόνη πλοίου ὑπὸ πνεύματος πληρουμένη MPol 15:2. Of God ὁ ποιῶν τοὺς ἀγγέλους αὐτοῦ πνεύματα who makes his angels winds Hb 1:7; 1 Cl 36:3 (both Ps 103:4).
    the breathing out of air, blowing, breath (Aeschyl. et al.; Pla., Tim. 79b; LXX) ὁ ἄνομος, ὅν ὁ κύριος Ἰησοῦς ἀνελεῖ τῷ πνεύματι τοῦ στόματος αὐτοῦ 2 Th 2:8 (cp. Is 11:4; Ps 32:6).
    that which animates or gives life to the body, breath, (life-)spirit (Aeschyl. et al.; Phoenix of Colophon 1, 16 [Coll. Alex. p. 231] πν.=a breathing entity [in contrast to becoming earth in death]; Polyb. 31, 10, 4; Ps.-Aristot., De Mundo 4 p. 394b, 8ff; PHib 5, 54 [III B.C.]; PGM 4, 538; 658; 2499; LXX; TestAbr A 17 p. 98, 19 [Stone p. 44] al.; JosAs 19:3; SibOr 4, 46; Tat. 4:2) ἀφιέναι τὸ πνεῦμα give up one’s spirit, breathe one’s last (Eur., Hec. 571; Porphyr., Vi. Plotini 2) Mt 27:50. J says for this παραδιδόναι τὸ πν. 19:3 (cp. ApcMos 31 ἀποδῶ τὸ πν.; Just., D. 105, 5). Of the return of the (life-)spirit of a deceased person into her dead body ἐπέστρεψεν τὸ πν. αὐτῆς Lk 8:55 (cp. Jdg 15:19). εἰς χεῖράς σου παρατίθεμαι τὸ πν. μου into your hands I entrust my spirit 23:46 (Ps 30:6; for alleged focus on ἐλπίζειν s. EBons, BZ 38, ’94, 93–101). κύριε Ἰησοῦ, δέξαι τὸ πνεῦμά μου Ac 7:59; composite of both passages AcPl Ha 10, 23 (cp. ApcMos 42). τὸ πν. μου ὁ δεσπότης δέξεται GJs 23:3 (on the pneuma flying upward after death cp. Epicharm. in Vorsokrat. 23 [=13, 4th ed.], B 9 and 22; Eur., Suppl. 533 πνεῦμα μὲν πρὸς αἰθέρα, τὸ σῶμα δʼ ἐς γῆν; PGM 1, 177ff τελευτήσαντός σου τὸ σῶμα περιστελεῖ, σοῦ δὲ τὸ πνεῦμα … εἰς ἀέρα ἄξει σὺν αὑτῷ ‘when you are dead [the angel] will wrap your body … and take your spirit with him into the sky’). τὸ σῶμα χωρὶς πν. νεκρόν ἐστιν Js 2:26. πν. ζωῆς ἐκ τ. θεοῦ εἰσῆλθεν ἐν αὐτοῖς (i.e. the prophet-witnesses who have been martyred) Rv 11:11 (cp. Ezk 37:10 v.l. εἰσῆλθεν εἰς αὐτοὺς πνεῦμα ζωῆς; vs. 5). Of the spirit that animated the image of a beast, and enabled it to speak and to have Christians put to death 13:15.—After a person’s death, the πν. lives on as an independent being, in heaven πνεύματα δικαὶων τετελειωμένων Hb 12:23 (cp. Da 3:86 εὐλογεῖτε, πνεύματα καὶ ψυχαὶ δικαίων, τὸν κύριον). According to non-biblical sources, the πν. are in the netherworld (cp. En 22:3–13; Sib Or 7, 127) or in the air (PGM 1, 178), where evil spirits can prevent them from ascending higher (s. ἀήρ2b). τοῖς ἐν φυλακῇ πνεύμασιν πορευθεὶς ἐκήρυξεν 1 Pt 3:19 belongs here if it refers to Jesus’ preaching to the spirits of the dead confined in Hades (so Usteri et al.; s. also JMcCulloch, The Harrowing of Hell, 1930), whether it be when he descended into Hades, or when he returned to heaven (so RBultmann, Bekenntnis u. Liedfragmente im 1 Pt: ConNeot11, ’47, 1–14).—CClemen, Niedergefahren zu den Toten 1900; JTurmel, La Descente du Christ aux enfers 1905; JMonnier, La Descente aux enfers 1906; HHoltzmann, ARW 11, 1908, 285–97; KGschwind, Die Niederfahrt Christi in die Unterwelt 1911; DPlooij, De Descensus in 1 Pt 3:19 en 4:6: TT 47, 1913, 145–62; JBernard, The Descent into Hades a Christian Baptism (on 1 Pt 3:19ff): Exp. 8th ser., 11, 1916, 241–74; CSchmidt, Gespräche Jesu mit seinen Jüngern: TU 43, 1919, 452ff; JFrings, BZ 17, 1926, 75–88; JKroll, Gott u. Hölle ’32; RGanschinietz, Katabasis: Pauly-W. X/2, 1919, 2359–449; Clemen2 89–96; WBieder, Die Vorstellung v. d. Höllenfahrt Jesu Chr. ’49; SJohnson, JBL 79, ’60, 48–51; WDalton, Christ’s Proclamation to the Spirits ’65. S. also the lit. in Windisch, Hdb.2 1930, exc. on 1 Pt 3:20; ESelwyn, The First Ep. of St. Peter ’46 and 4c below.—This is prob. also the place for θανατωθεὶς μὲν σαρκὶ ζωοποιηθεὶς δὲ πνεύματι• ἐν ᾧ καὶ … 1 Pt 3:18f (some mss. read πνεύματι instead of πνεύμασιν in vs. 19, evidently in ref. to the manner of Jesus’ movement; πνεῦμα is that part of Christ which, in contrast to σάρξ, did not pass away in death, but survived as an individual entity after death; s. ἐν 7). Likew. the contrast κατὰ σάρκα … κατὰ πνεῦμα Ro 1:3f. Cp. 1 Ti 3:16.
    a part of human personality, spirit
    when used with σάρξ, the flesh, it denotes the immaterial part 2 Cor 7:1; Col 2:5. Flesh and spirit=the whole personality, in its outer and inner aspects, oft. in Ign.: IMg 1:2; 13:1a; ITr ins; 12:1; IRo ins; ISm 1:1; IPol 5:1; AcPl Ant 13, 18 (=Aa I 237, 3).—In the same sense beside σῶμα, the body (Simplicius, In Epict. p. 50, 1; Ps.-Phoc. 106f; PGM 1, 178) 1 Cor 5:3–5; 7:34.—The inner life of humans is divided into ψυχὴ καὶ πνεῦμα (cp. Ps.-Pla., Axioch. 10 p. 370c τὶ θεῖον ὄντως ἐνῆν πνεῦμα τῇ ψυχῇ=a divine spirit was actually in the soul; Wsd 15:11; Jos., Ant. 1, 34; Tat. 13, 2; 15, 1 et al.; Ath. 27, 1. S. also Herm. Wr. 10, 13; 16f; PGM 4, 627; 630. ἐκ τριῶν συνεστάναι λέγουσι τὸν ἄνθρωπον ἐκ ψυχῆς καὶ σώματος καὶ πνεύματος Did., Gen. 55, 14) Hb 4:12. Cp. Phil 1:27. τὸ πνεῦμα καὶ ἡ ψυχὴ καὶ τὸ σῶμα 1 Th 5:23 (s. GMilligan, Thess. 1908, 78f; EvDobschütz in Meyer X7 1909, 230ff; EBurton, Spirit, Soul, and Flesh 1918; AFestugière, La Trichotomie des 1 Th 5:23 et la Philos. gr.: RSR 20, 1930, 385–415; CMasson, RTP 33, ’45, 97–102; FGrant, An Introd. to NT Thought ’50, 161–66). σαρκί, ψυχῇ, πνεύματι IPhld 11:2.
    as the source and seat of insight, feeling, and will, gener. as the representative part of human inner life (cp. PGM 4, 627; 3 Km 20:5; Sir 9:9 al.; Just., D. 30, 1; Did., Gen. 232, 5) ἐπιγνοὺς ὁ Ἰησοῦς τῷ πν. αὐτοῦ Mk 2:8. ἀναστενάξας τῷ πν. αὐτοῦ λέγει 8:12 (s. ἀναστενάζω). ἠγαλλίασεν τὸ πν. μου Lk 1:47 (in parallelism w. ψυχή vs. 46, as Sir 9:9). ἠγαλλιάσατο τῷ πν. 10:21 v.l., Ἰησοῦς ἐνεβριμήσατο τῷ πν. J 11:33 (s. ἐμβριμάομαι 3); Ἰης. ἐταράχθη τῷ πν. 13:21. παρωξύνετο τὸ πν. αὐτοῦ ἐν αὐτῷ Ac 17:16; ζέων τῷ πν. with spirit-fervor 18:25 (s. ζέω). τὸ παιδίον ἐκραταιοῦτο πνεύματι Lk 1:80; 2:40 v.l.; ἔθετο ὁ Παῦλος ἐν τῷ πν. Paul made up his mind Ac 19:21 (some would put this pass. in 6c, but cp. Lk 1:66 and analogous formulations Hom. et al. in L-S-J-M s.v. τίθημι A6). προσκυνήσουσιν τῷ πατρὶ ἐν πνεύματι of the spiritual, i.e. the pure, inner worship of God, that has nothing to do w. holy times, places, appurtenances, or ceremonies J 4:23; cp. vs. 24b. πν. συντετριμμένον (Ps 50:19) 1 Cl 18:17; 52:4.—2 Cl 20:4; Hv 3, 12, 2; 3, 13, 2.—This usage is also found in Paul. His conviction (s. 5 below) that the Christian possesses the (divine) πνεῦμα and thus is different fr. all other people, leads him to choose this word in preference to others, in order to characterize a believer’s inner being gener. ᾧ λατρεύω ἐν τῷ πν. μου Ro 1:9. οὐκ ἔσχηκα ἄνεσιν τῷ πν. μου 2 Cor 2:13. Cp. 7:13. As a matter of fact, it can mean simply a person’s very self or ego: τὸ πνεῦμα συμμαρτυρεῖ τῷ πνεύματι ἡμῶν the Spirit (of God) bears witness to our very self Ro 8:16 (cp. PGM 12, 327 ἠκούσθη μου τὸ πνεῦμα ὑπὸ πνεύματος οὐρανοῦ). ἀνέπαυσαν τὸ ἐμὸν πν. καὶ τὸ ὑμῶν they have refreshed both me and you 1 Cor 16:18. ἡ χάρις τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰ. Χρ. μετά τοῦ πν. (ὑμῶν) Gal 6:18; Phil 4:23; Phlm 25. Cp. 2 Ti 4:22. Likew. in Ign. τὸ ἐμὸν πν. my (unworthy) self IEph 18:1; IRo 9:3; cp. 1 Cor 2:11a—On the relation of the divine Spirit to the believer’s spiritual self, s. SWollenweider, Der Geist Gottes als Selbst der Glaubenden: ZTK 93, ’96, 163–92.—Only a part of the inner life, i.e. that which concerns the will, is meant in τὸ μὲν πνεῦμα πρόθυμον, ἡ δὲ σὰρξ ἀσθενής Mt 26:41; Mk 14:38; Pol 7:2. That which is inferior, anxiety, fear of suffering, etc. is attributed to the σάρξ.—The mng. of the expr. οἱ πτωχοὶ τῷ πνεύματι Mt 5:3 is difficult to determine w. certainty (cp. Pla., Ep. 7, 335a πένης ἀνὴρ τὴν ψυχήν. The dat. as τῇ ψυχῇ M. Ant. 6, 52; 8, 51). The sense is prob. those who are poor in their inner life, because they do not have a misdirected pride in their own spiritual riches (s. AKlöpper, Über den Sinn u. die ursprgl. Form der ersten Seligpreisung der Bergpredigt bei Mt: ZWT 37, 1894, 175–91; RKabisch, Die erste Seligpreisung: StKr 69, 1896, 195–215; KKöhler, Die ursprgl. Form der Seligpreisungen: StKr 91, 1918, 157–92; JBoehmer, De Schatkamer 17, 1923, 11–16, TT [Copenhagen] 4, 1924, 195–207, JBL 45, 1926, 298–304; WMacgregor, ET 39, 1928, 293–97; VMacchioro, JR 12, ’32, 40–49; EEvans, Theology 47, ’44, 55–60; HLeisegang, Pneuma Hagion 1922, 134ff; Betz, SM 116 n. 178 for Qumran reff.).
    spiritual state, state of mind, disposition ἐν ἀγάπῃ πνεύματί τε πραΰτητος with love and a gentle spirit 1 Cor 4:21; cp. Gal 6:1. τὸ πν. τοῦ νοὸς ὑμῶν Eph 4:23 (s. νοῦς 2a). ἐν τῷ ἀφθάρτῳ τοῦ ἡσυχίου πνεύματος with the imperishable (gift) of a quiet disposition 1 Pt 3:4.
    an independent noncorporeal being, in contrast to a being that can be perceived by the physical senses, spirit (ELangton, Good and Evil Spirits ’42).
    God personally: πνεῦμα ὁ θεός J 4:24a (Ath. 16, 2; on God as a spirit, esp. in the Stoa, s. MPohlenz, D. Stoa ’48/49. Hdb. ad loc. Also Celsus 6, 71 [Stoic]; Herm. Wr. 18, 3 ἀκάματον μέν ἐστι πνεῦμα ὁ θεός).
    good, or at least not expressly evil spirits or spirit-beings (cp. CIG III, 5858b δαίμονες καὶ πνεύματα; Proclus on Pla., Cratyl. p. 69, 6; 12 Pasqu.; En 15:4; 6; 8; 10; TestAbr A 4 p. 81, 15f [Stone p. 10, 15f] πάντα τὰ ἐπουράνια πνεύματα; TestAbr B 13 p. 117, 26 [Stone p. 82] ὑψηλὸν πν.; PGM 3, 8 ἐπικαλοῦμαί σε, ἱερὸν πνεῦμα; 4, 1448; 3080; 12, 249) πνεῦμα w. ἄγγελος (cp. Jos., Ant. 4, 108; Ps.-Clem., Hom. 3, 33; 8, 12) Ac 23:8f. God is ὁ παντὸς πνεύματος κτίστης καὶ ἐπίσκοπος 1 Cl 59:3b.—Pl., God the μόνος εὐεργέτης πνεύματων 1 Cl 59:3a. Cp. 64 (s. on this Num 16:22; 27:16. Prayers for vengeance fr. Rheneia [Dssm., LO 351–55=LAE 423ff=SIG 1181, 2] τὸν θεὸν τὸν κύριον τῶν πνευμάτων; PGM 5, 467 θεὸς θεῶν, ὁ κύριος τῶν πν.; sim. the magic pap PWarr 21, 24; 26 [III A.D.]); the πατὴρ τῶν πνευμάτων Hb 12:9. Intermediary beings (in polytheistic terminology: δαίμονες) that serve God are called λειτουργικὰ πνεύματα Hb 1:14. In Rv we read of the ἑπτὰ πνεύματα (τοῦ θεοῦ) 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6; s. ASkrinjar, Biblica 16, ’35, 1–24; 113–40.— Ghost Lk 24:37, 39.
    evil spirits (PGM 13, 798; 36, 160; TestJob 27, 2; ApcSed [both Satan]; AscIs 3:28; Just., D. 39, 6 al.; Ath. 25, 3), esp. in accounts of healing in the Synoptics: (τὸ) πνεῦμα (τὸ) ἀκάθαρτον (Just., D. 82, 3) Mt 12:43; Mk 1:23, 26; 3:30; 5:2, 8; 7:25; 9:25a; Lk 8:29; 9:42; 11:24; Rv 18:2. Pl. (TestBenj 5:2) Mt 10:1; Mk 1:27; 3:11; 5:13; 6:7; Lk 4:36; 6:18; Ac 5:16; 8:7; Rv 16:13; ending of Mk in the Freer ms.—τὸ πν. τὸ πονηρόν Ac 19:15f. Pl. (En 99:7; TestSim 4:9; 6:6, TestJud 16:1; Just., D. 76, 6) Lk 7:21; 8:2; Ac 19:12f.—πν. ἄλαλον Mk 9:17; cp. vs. 25b (s. ἄλαλος). πν. πύθων Ac 16:16 (s. πύθων). πν. ἀσθενείας Lk 13:11. Cp. 1 Ti 4:1b. πνεῦμα δαιμονίου ἀκαθάρτου (s. δαιμόνιον 2) Lk 4:33. πνεύματα δαιμονίων Rv 16:14 (in effect = personified ‘exhalations’ of evil powers; for the combination of πν. and δαιμ. cp. the love spell Sb 4324, 16f τὰ πνεύματα τῶν δαιμόνων τούτων).—Abs. of a harmful spirit Mk 9:20; Lk 9:39; Ac 16:18. Pl. Mt 8:16; 12:45; Lk 10:20; 11:26.—1 Pt 3:19 (s. 2 above) belongs here if the πνεύματα refer to hostile spirit-powers, evil spirits, fallen angels (so FSpitta, Christi Predigt an die Geister 1890; HGunkel, Zum religionsgesch. Verständnis des NT 1903, 72f; WBousset, ZNW 19, 1920, 50–66; Rtzst., Herr der Grösse 1919, 25ff; Knopf, Windisch, FHauck ad loc.; BReicke, The Disobedient Spirits and Christian Baptism ’46, esp. 54–56, 69).—Hermas also has the concept of evil spirits that lead an independent existence, and live and reign within the inner life of a pers.; the Holy Spirit, who also lives or would like to live there, is forced out by them (cp. TestDan 4) Hm 5, 1, 2–4; 5, 2, 5–8; 10, 1, 2. τὸ πν. τὸ ἅγιον … ἕτερον πονηρὸν πν. 5, 1, 2. These πνεύματα are ὀξυχολία 5, 1, 3; 5, 2, 8 (τὸ πονηρότατον πν.); 10, 1, 2; διψυχία 9:11 (ἐπίγειον πν. ἐστι παρὰ τοῦ διαβόλου); 10, 1, 2; λύπη 10, 1, 2 (πάντων τῶν πνευμάτων πονηροτέρα) and other vices. On the complicated pneuma-concept of the Mandates of Hermas s. MDibelius, Hdb. exc. on Hm 5, 2, 7; cp. Leutzsch, Hermas 453f n. 133.
    God’s being as controlling influence, with focus on association with humans, Spirit, spirit as that which differentiates God fr. everything that is not God, as the divine power that produces all divine existence, as the divine element in which all divine life is carried on, as the bearer of every application of the divine will. All those who belong to God possess or receive this spirit and hence have a share in God’s life. This spirit also serves to distinguish Christians fr. all unbelievers (cp. PGM 4, 1121ff, where the spirit is greeted as one who enters devotees and, in accordance w. God’s will, separates them fr. themselves, i.e. fr. the purely human part of their nature); for this latter aspect s. esp. 6 below.
    the Spirit of God, of the Lord (=God) etc. (LXX; TestSim 4:4; JosAs 8:11; ApcSed 14:6; 15:6; ApcMos 43; SibOr 3, 701; Ps.-Phoc. 106; Philo; Joseph. [s. c below]; apolog. Cp. Plut., Numa 4, 6 πνεῦμα θεοῦ, capable of begetting children; s. παρθένος a) τὸ πν. τοῦ θεοῦ 1 Cor 2:11b, 14; 3:16; 6:11; 1J 4:2a (Just., D. 49, 3; Tat. 13, 3; Ath. 22, 3). τὸ τοῦ θεοῦ πν. 1 Pt 4:14 (Just., A I, 60, 6). τὸ πν. τὸ ἐκ τοῦ θεοῦ 1 Cor 2:12b. τὸ πν. κυρίου Ac 5:9; B 6:14; B 9:2 (cp. Mel., P. 32, 222). τὸ πνεῦμά μου or αὐτοῦ: Mt 12:18 (Is 42:1); Ac 2:17f (Jo 3:1f.—Cp. 1QS 4:21); 1 Cor 2:10a v.l.; Eph 3:16; 1 Th 4:8 (where τὸ ἅγιον is added); 1J 4:13.—τὸ πν. τοῦ πατρὸς ὑμῶν Mt 10:20. τὸ πν. τοῦ ἐγείραντος τὸν Ἰησοῦν Ro 8:11a.—Without the art. πν. θεοῦ (JosAs 4:9; Tat. 15:3; Theoph. Ant. 1, 5 [p. 66, 18]) the Spirit of God Mt 3:16; 12:28; Ro 8:9b, 14, 19; 1 Cor 7:40; 12:3a; 2 Cor 3:3 (πν. θεοῦ ζῶντος); Phil 3:3. πν. κυρίου Lk 4:18 (Is 61:1); Ac 8:39 (like J 3:8; 20:22; Ac 2:4, this pass. belongs on the borderline betw. the mngs. ‘wind’ and ‘spirit’; cp. Diod S 3, 60, 3 Ἕσπερον ἐξαίφνης ὑπὸ πνευμάτων συναρπαγέντα μεγάλων ἄφαντον γενέσθαι ‘Hesperus [a son of Atlas] was suddenly snatched by strong winds and vanished fr. sight’. S. HLeisegang, Der Hl. Geist I 1, 1919, 19ff; OCullmann, TZ. 4, ’48, 364); 1 Cl 21:2.
    the Spirit of Christ, of the Lord (=Christ) etc. τὸ πν. Ἰησοῦ Ac 16:7. τὸ πν. Χριστοῦ AcPlCor 2:32. τὸ ἐν αὐτοῖς πν. Χριστοῦ 1 Pt 1:11. πν. Χριστοῦ Ro 8:9c. πν. τοῦ Χριστοῦ AcPl Ha 8, 18. ἀπὸ τοῦ πν. τοῦ χριστοῦ AcPlCor 2:10. τὸ πν. Ἰης. Χριστοῦ Phil 1:19. τὸ πν. κυρίου 2 Cor 3:17b (JHermann, Kyrios und Pneuma, ’61). τὸ πν. τοῦ υἱοῦ αὐτοῦ (=θεοῦ) Gal 4:6. As possessor of the divine Spirit, and at the same time controlling its distribution among humans, Christ is called κύριος πνεύματος Lord of the Spirit 2 Cor 3:18 (s. Windisch ad loc.); but many prefer to transl. from the Lord who is the Spirit.—CMoule, OCullmann Festschr., ’72, 231–37.
    Because of its heavenly origin and nature this Spirit is called (the) Holy Spirit (cp. PGM 4, 510 ἵνα πνεύσῃ ἐν ἐμοὶ τὸ ἱερὸν πνεῦμα.—Neither Philo nor Josephus called the Spirit πν. ἅγιον; the former used θεῖον or θεοῦ πν., the latter πν. θεῖον: Ant. 4, 118; 8, 408; 10, 239; but ἅγιον πνεῦμα Orig. C. Cels 1, 40, 16).
    α. w. the art. τὸ πνεῦμα τὸ ἅγιον (Is 63:10f; Ps 50:13; 142:10 v.l.; cp. Sus 45 Theod.; TestAbr A 4 p. 81, 10 [Stone p. 10]; JosAs 8:11 [codd. ADE]; AscIs 3, 15, 26; Just., D. 36, 6 al.) Mt 12:32 = Mk 3:29 = Lk 12:10 (τὸ ἅγιον πνεῦμα; on the ‘sin against the Holy Spirit’ s. HLeisegang, Pneuma Hagion 1922, 96–112; AFridrichsen, Le péché contre le Saint-Esprit: RHPR 3, 1923, 367–72). Mk 12:36; 13:11; Lk 2:26; 3:22; 10:21; J 14:26; Ac 1:16; 2:33; 5:3, 32; 7:51; 8:18 v.l.; 10:44, 47; 11:15; 13:2; 15:8, 28; 19:6; 20:23, 28; 21:11; 28:25; Eph 1:13 (τὸ πν. τῆς ἐπαγγελίας τὸ ἅγιον); 4:30 (τὸ πν. τὸ ἅγιον τοῦ θεοῦ); Hb 3:7; 9:8; 10:15; 1 Cl 13:1; 16:2; 18:11 (Ps 50:13); 22:1; IEph 9:1; Hs 5, 5, 2; 5, 6, 5–7 (on the relationship of the Holy Spirit to the Son in Hermas s. ALink, Christi Person u. Werk im Hirten des Hermas 1886; JvWalter, ZNW 14, 1913, 133–44; MDibelius, Hdb. exc. following Hs 5, 6, 8 p. 572–76).—τὸ ἅγιον πνεῦμα (Wsd 9:17; OdeSol 11:2; TestJob 51:2; ApcEsdr 7:16; Just. D. 25, 1 al.) Mt 28:19; Lk 12:10 (s. above), 12; Ac 1:8; 2:38 (epexegetic gen.); 4:31; 9:31; 10:45; 13:4; 16:6; 1 Cor 6:19; 2 Cor 13:13; 1J 5:7 v.l. (on the Comma Johanneum s. λόγο 3); GJs 24:4 (s. χρηματίζω 1bα). As the mother of Jesus GHb 20, 61 (HLeisegang, Pneuma Hagion 1922, 64ff; SHirsch, D. Vorstellg. v. e. weibl. πνεῦμα ἅγ. im NT u. in d. ältesten christl. Lit. 1927. Also WBousset, Hauptprobleme der Gnosis 1907, 9ff).
    β. without the art. (s. B-D-F §257, 2; Rob. 761; 795) πνεῦμα ἅγιον (PGM 3, 289; Da 5:12 LXX; PsSol 17:37; AssMos Fgm. b; Just., D. 4, 1 al.; Ath. 24, 1. S. also Da Theod. 4:8, 9, 18 θεοῦ πνεῦμα ἅγιον or πνεῦμα θεοῦ ἅγιον) Mk 1:8; Lk 1:15, 35, 41, 67; 2:25; 4:1; 11:13; J 20:22 (Cassien, La pentecôte johannique [J 20:19–23] ’39.—See also 1QS 4:20f); Ac 2:4a; 4:8; 7:55; 8:15, 17, 19; 9:17; 10:38; 11:24; 13:9; 19:2ab; Hb 2:4; 6:4; 1 Pt 1:12 v.l.; 1 Cl 2:2; AcPl 6:18; 9:4 (restored after Aa I 110, 11); AcPlCor 2:5.—So oft. in combination w. a prep.: διὰ πνεύματος ἁγίου Ac 1:2; 4:25; Ro 5:5; 2 Ti 1:14; 1 Cl 8:1 (cp. διὰ πν. αἰωνίου Hb 9:14). διὰ φωνῆς πν. ἁγίου AcPl Ha 11, 6. ἐκ πνεύματος ἁγίου (Eus., PE 3, 12, 3 of the Egyptians: ἐκ τ. πνεύματος οἴονται συλλαμβάνειν τὸν γῦπα. Here πνεῦμα= ‘wind’; s. Horapollo 1, 11 p. 14f. The same of other birds since Aristot.—On the neut. πνεῦμα as a masc. principle cp. Aristoxenus, Fgm. 13 of the two original principles: πατέρα μὲν φῶς, μητέρα δὲ σκότος) Mt 1:18, 20; IEph 18:2; GJs 14:2; 19:1 (pap). ἐν πνεύματι ἁγίῳ (PsSol 17:37; ApcZeph; Ar. 15, 1) Mt 3:11; Mk 1:8 v.l.; Lk 3:16; J 1:33b; Ac 1:5 (cp. 1QS 3:7f); 11:16; Ro 9:1; 14:17; 15:16; 1 Cor 12:3b; 2 Cor 6:6; 1 Th 1:5; 1 Pt 1:12 (without ἐν v.l.); Jd 20. ὑπὸ πνεύματος ἁγίου 2 Pt 1:21. Cp. ἐν δυνάμει πνεύματος ἁγίου Ro 15:13, 19 v.l. (for πνεύματος θεοῦ). μετὰ χαρᾶς πνεύματος ἁγίου 1 Th 1:6. διὰ ἀνακαινώσεως πνεύματος ἁγίου Tit 3:5.
    α. w. the art. τὸ πνεῦμα. In this connection the art. is perh. used anaphorically at times, w. the second mention of a word (s. B-D-F §252; Rob. 762); perh. Mt 12:31 (looking back to vs. 28 πν. θεοῦ); Mk 1:10, 12 (cp. vs. 8 πν. ἅγιον); Lk 4:1b, 14 (cp. vs. 1a); Ac 2:4b (cp. vs. 4a).—As a rule it is not possible to assume that anaphora is present: Mt 4:1; J 1:32, 33a; 3:6a, 8b (in wordplay), 34; 7:39a; Ac 8:29; 10:19; 11:12, 28; 19:1 D; 20:3 D, 22; 21:4; Ro 8:23 (ἀπαρχή 1bβ; 2), 26a, 27; 12:11; 15:30; 2 Cor 1:22 and 5:5 (KErlemann, ZNW 83, ’92, 202–23, and s. ἀρραβών); 12:18 (τῷ αὐτῷ πν.); Gal 3:2, 5, 14 (ἐπαγγελία 1bβ); Eph 4:3 (gen. of the author); 6:17 (perh. epexegetic gen.); 1 Ti 4:1a; Js 4:5; 1J 3:24; 5:6ab (some mss. add καὶ πνεύματος to the words διʼ ὕδατος κ. αἵματος at the beg. of the verse; this is approved by HvSoden, Moffatt, Vogels, Merk, and w. reservations by CDodd, The Joh. Epistles ’46, TManson, JTS 48, ’47, 25–33), vs. 8; Rv 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22; 14:13; 22:17; B 19:2, B 7= D 4:10 (s. ἐτοιμάζω b). ἐν τῷ πνεύματι (led) by the Spirit Lk 2:27.—Paul links this Spirit of God, known to every Christian, with Christ as liberating agent in contrast to legal constraint ὁ κύριος τὸ πνεῦμα ἐστιν the Lord means Spirit 2 Cor 3:17a (UHolzmeister, 2 Cor 3:17 Dominus autem Spiritus est 1908; JNisius, Zur Erklärung v. 2 Cor 3:16ff: ZKT 40, 1916, 617–75; JKögel, Ὁ κύριος τὸ πνεῦμά ἐστιν: ASchlatter Festschr. 1922, 35–46; C Guignebert, Congr. d’Hist. du Christ. II 1928, 7–22; EFuchs, Christus u. d. Geist b. Pls ’32; HHughes, ET 45, ’34, 235f; CLattey, Verb. Dom. 20, ’40, 187–89; DGriffiths ET 55, ’43, 81–83; HIngo, Kyrios und Pneuma, ’61 [Paul]; JDunn, JTS 21, ’70, 309–20).
    β. without the art. πνεῦμα B 1:3. κοινωνία πνεύματος Phil 2:1 (κοινωνία 1 and 2). πνεύματι in the Spirit or through the Spirit Gal 3:3; 5:5, 16, 18; 1 Pt 4:6. εἰ ζῶμεν πνεύματι, πνεύματι καὶ στοιχῶμεν if we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit Gal 5:25. Freq. used w. a prep.: διὰ πνεύματος 1 Pt 1:22 v.l. ἐξ (ὕδατος καὶ) πνεύματος J 3:5. ἐν πνεύματι in, by, through the Spirit Mt 22:43; Eph 2:22; 3:5; 5:18; 6:18; Col 1:8 (ἀγάπη ἐν πνεύματι love called forth by the Spirit); B 9:7. κατὰ πνεῦμα Ro 8:4f; Gal 4:29. ἐν ἁγιασμῷ πνεύματος 2 Th 2:13; 1 Pt 1:2 (s. ἁγιασμός).—In neg. expressions: οὔπω ἧν πνεῦμα the Spirit had not yet come J 7:39b. ψυχικοὶ πνεῦμα μὴ ἔχοντες worldly people, who do not have the Spirit Jd 19.—ἓν πνεῦμα one and the same Spirit 1 Cor 12:13; Eph 2:18; 4:4; one (in) Spirit 1 Cor 6:17.
    The Spirit is more closely defined by a gen. of thing: τὸ πν. τῆς ἀληθείας (TestJud 20:5) J 14:17; 15:26; 16:13 (in these three places the Spirit of Truth is the Paraclete promised by Jesus upon his departure); 1J 4:6 (opp. τὸ πνεῦμα τῆς πλάνης, as TestJud 20:1; PsSol 8:14 πλ. πλανήσεως; Just., D. 7, 3 πλάνου καὶ ἀκαθάρτου πνεύματος; cp. 1QS 4:23); τὸ τῆς δόξης πν. 1 Pt 4:14. τὸ πν. τῆς ζωῆς the Spirit of life Ro 8:2. το πν. τῆς πίστεως 2 Cor 4:13. πν. σοφίας καὶ ἀποκαλύψεως Eph 1:17 (cp. Just., D. 87, 4). πν. υἱοθεσίας Ro 8:15b (opp. πν. δουλείας vs. 15a). πν. δυνάμεως AcPl Ha 8, 25. πν. δυνάμεως καὶ ἀγάπης καὶ σωφρονισμοῦ 2 Ti 1:7 (opp. πν. δειλίας). τὸ πν. τῆς χάριτος (s. TestJud 24:2) Hb 10:29 (Zech 12:10); cp. 1 Cl 46:6.
    Of Christ ‘it is written’ in Scripture: (ἐγένετο) ὁ ἔσχατος Ἀδὰμ εἰς πνεῦμα ζῳοποιοῦν 1 Cor 15:45. The scripture pass. upon which the first part of this verse is based is Gen 2:7, where Wsd 15:11 also substitutes the words πνεῦμα ζωτικόν for πνοὴν ζωῆς (cp. Just., D. 6, 2). On the other hand, s. Philo, Leg. All. 1, 42 and s. the lit. s.v. Ἀδάμ ad loc.
    The (divine) Pneuma stands in contrast to everything that characterizes this age or the finite world gener.: οὐ τὸ πν. τοῦ κόσμου ἀλλὰ τὸ πν. τὸ ἐκ τοῦ θεοῦ 1 Cor 2:12; cp. Eph 2:2 and 1 Ti 4:1ab.
    α. in contrast to σάρξ, which is more closely connected w. sin than any other earthly material (Just., D. 135, 6): J 3:6; Ro 8:4–6, 9a, 13; Gal 3:3; 5:17ab; 6:8. Cp. B 10:9. πᾶσα ἐπιθυμία κατὰ τοῦ πνεύματος στρατεύεται Pol 5:3.
    β. in contrast to σῶμα (=σάρξ) Ro 8:10 and to σάρξ (=σῶμα, as many hold) J 6:63a (for τὸ πν. ἐστιν τὸ ζῳοποιοῦν cp. Philo, Op. Mund. 30; Herm. Wr. in Cyrill., C. Jul. I 556c=542, 24 Sc. the pneuma τὰ πάντα ζῳοποιεῖ καὶ τρέφει. S. also f above). Cp. Ro 8:11b.
    γ. in contrast to γράμμα, which is the characteristic quality of God’s older declaration of the divine will in the law: Ro 2:29; 7:6; 2 Cor 3:6ab, 8 (cp. vs. 7).
    δ. in contrast to the wisdom of humans 1 Cor 2:13.
    the Spirit of God as exhibited in the character or activity of God’s people or selected agents, Spirit, spirit (s. HPreisker, Geist u. Leben ’33).
    πνεῦμα is accompanied by another noun, which characterizes the working of the Spirit more definitely: πνεῦμα καὶ δύναμις spirit and power Lk 1:17; 1 Cor 2:4. Cp. Ac 10:38; 1 Th 1:5. πνεῦμα καὶ ζωή J 6:63b. πνεῦμα κ. σοφία Ac 6:3; cp. vs. 10 (cp. TestReub 2:6 πνεῦμα λαλίας). πίστις κ. πνεῦμα ἅγιον 6:5 (cp. Just., D. 135, 6). χαρὰ καὶ πνεῦμα ἅγ. 13:52.
    Unless frustrated by humans in their natural condition, the Spirit of God produces a spiritual type of conduct Gal 5:16, 25 and produces the καρπὸς τοῦ πνεύματος vs. 22 (s. Vögtle under πλεονεξία).
    The Spirit inspires certain people of God B 12:2; B 13:5, above all, in their capacity as proclaimers of a divine revelation (Strabo 9, 3, 5 the πνεῦμα ἐνθουσιαστικόν, that inspired the Pythia; Περὶ ὕψους 13, 2; 33, 5 of the divine πν. that impels prophets and poets to express themselves; schol. on Pla. 856e of a μάντις: ἄνωθεν λαμβάνειν τὸ πνεῦμα καὶ πληροῦσθαι τοῦ θεοῦ; Aristobulus in Eus., PE 8, 10, 4 [=Fgm. 2, 4 p. 136 Holladay] τὸ θεῖον πν., καθʼ ὸ̔ καὶ προφήτης ἀνακεκήρυκται ‘[Moses possessed] the Divine Spirit with the result that he was proclaimed a prophet’; AscIs 1:7 τὸ πν. τὸ λαλοῦν ἐν ἐμοί; AssMos Fgm. f εἶδεν πνεύματι ἐπαρθείς; Just., A I, 38, 1 al.; Ath. 10, 3 τὸ προφητικὸν πν. Cp. Marinus, Vi. Procli 23 of Proclus: οὐ γὰρ ἄνευ θείας ἐπινοίας … διαλέγεσθαι; Orig., C. Cels. 3, 28, 23). προφητεία came into being only as ὑπὸ πνεύματος ἁγίου φερόμενοι ἐλάλησαν ἀπὸ θεοῦ ἄνθρωποι 2 Pt 1:21; cp. Ac 15:29 v.l.; cp. 1 Cl 8:1. David Mt 22:43; Mk 12:36; cp. Ac 1:16; 4:25. Isaiah Ac 28:25. Moses B 10:2, B 9; the Spirit was also active in giving the tables of the law to Moses 14:2. Christ himself spoke in the OT διὰ τοῦ πνεύματος τοῦ ἁγίου 1 Cl 22:1. The ἱεραὶ γραφαί are called αἱ διὰ τοῦ πν. τοῦ ἁγίου 45:2.—The Christian prophet Agabus also ἐσήμαινεν διὰ τοῦ πν. Ac 11:28; cp. Ac 21:11. Likew. Ign. IPhld 7:2. In general the Spirit reveals the most profound secrets to those who believe 1 Cor 2:10ab.—1 Cl claims to be written διὰ τοῦ ἁγ. πν. 63:2. On Ac 19:21 s. 3b.
    The Spirit of God, being one, shows the variety and richness of its life in the different kinds of spiritual gifts which are granted to certain Christians 1 Cor 12:4, 7, 11; cp. vs. 13ab.—Vss. 8–10 enumerate the individual gifts of the Spirit, using various prepositions: διὰ τοὺ πν. vs. 8a; κατὰ τὸ πν. vs. 8b; ἐν τῷ πν. vs. 9ab. τὸ πν. μὴ σβέννυτε do not quench the Spirit 1 Th 5:19 refers to the gift of prophecy, acc. to vs. 20.—The use of the pl. πνεύματα is explained in 1 Cor 14:12 by the varied nature of the Spirit’s working; in vs. 32 by the number of persons who possess the prophetic spirit; on the latter s. Rv 22:6 and 19:10.
    One special type of spiritual gift is represented by ecstatic speaking. Of those who ‘speak in tongues’ that no earthly person can understand: πνεύματι λαλεῖ μυστήρια expresses secret things in a spiritual way 1 Cor 14:2. Cp. vss. 14–16 and s. νοῦς 1b. τὸ πνεῦμα ὑπερεντυγχάνει στεναγμοῖς ἀλαλήτοις the Spirit pleads in our behalf with groans beyond words Ro 8:26b. Of speech that is ecstatic, but expressed in words that can be understood λαλεῖν ἐν πνεύματι D 11:7, 8; cp. vs. 9 (on the subject-matter 1 Cor 12:3; Jos., Ant. 4, 118f; TestJob 43:2 ἀναλαβὼν Ἐλιφᾶς πν. εἶπεν ὕμνον). Of the state of mind of the seer of the Apocalypse: ἐν πνεύματι Rv 17:3; 21:10; γενέσθαι ἐν πν. 1:10; 4:2 (s. γίνομαι 5c, ἐν 4c and EMoering, StKr 92, 1920, 148–54; RJeske, NTS 31, ’85, 452–66); AcPl Ha 6, 27. On the Spirit at Pentecost Ac 2:4 s. KLake: Beginn. I 5, ’33, 111–21. κατασταλέντος τοῦ πν. τοῦ ἐν Μύρτῃ when the Spirit (of prophecy) that was in Myrta ceased speaking AcPl Ha 7, 9.
    The Spirit leads and directs Christian missionaries in their journeys (Aelian, NA 11, 16 the young women are led blindfolded to the cave of the holy serpent; they are guided by a πνεῦμα θεῖον) Ac 16:6, 7 (by dreams, among other methods; cp. vs. 9f and s. Marinus, Vi. Procli 27: Proclus ἔφασκεν προθυμηθῆναι μὲν πολλάκις γράψαι, κωλυθῆναι δὲ ἐναργῶς ἔκ τινων ἐνυπνίων). In Ac 16:6–7 τὸ ἅγιον πν. and τὸ πν. Ἰησοῦ are distinguished.
    an activating spirit that is not fr. God, spirit: πν. ἔτερον a different (kind of) spirit 2 Cor 11:4. Cp. 2 Th 2:2; 1J 4:1–3. Because there are persons activated by such spirits, it is necessary to test the var. kinds of spirits (the same problem Artem. 3, 20 περὶ διαφορᾶς μάντεων, οἷς δεῖ προσέχειν καὶ οἷς μή) 1 Cor 12:10; 1J 4:1b. ὁ διάβολος πληροῖ αὐτὸν αὐτοῦ πν. Hm 11:3. Also οὐκ οἴδατε ποίου πνεύματός ἐστε Lk 9:55 v.l. distinguishes betw. the spirit shown by Jesus’ disciples, and another kind of spirit.—Even more rarely a spirit divinely given that is not God’s own; so (in a quot. fr. Is 29:10) a πνεῦμα κατανύξεως Ro 11:8.
    an independent transcendent personality, the Spirit, which appears in formulas that became more and more fixed and distinct (cp. Ath. 12, 2; Hippol., Ref. 7, 26, 2.—Ps.-Lucian, Philopatr. 12 θεόν, υἱόν πατρός, πνεῦμα ἐκ πατρὸς ἐκπορευόμενον ἓν ἐκ τριῶν καὶ ἐξ ἑνὸς τρία, ταῦτα νόμιζε Ζῆνα, τόνδʼ ἡγοῦ θεόν=‘God, son of the father, spirit proceeding from the father, one from three and three from one, consider these as Zeus, think of this one as God’. The entire context bears a Christian impress.—As Aion in gnostic speculation Iren. 1, 2, 5 [Harv. I 21, 2]): βαπτίζοντες αὐτοὺς εἰς τὸ ὄνομα τοῦ πατρὸς καὶ τοῦ υἱοῦ καὶ τοῦ ἁγίου πνεύματος Mt 28:19 (on the text s. βαπτίζω 2c; on the subject-matter GWalther, Die Entstehung des Taufsymbols aus dem Taufritus: StKr 95, 1924, 256ff); D 7:1, 3. Cp. 2 Cor 13:13; 1 Cl 58:2; IEph 9:1; IMg 13:1b, 2; MPol 14:3; 22:1, 3; Epil Mosq 5. On this s. HUsener, Dreiheit: RhM 58, 1903, 1ff; 161ff; 321ff; esp. 36ff; EvDobschütz, Zwei-u. dreigliedrige Formeln: JBL 50, ’31, 116–47 (also Heinrici Festschr. 1914, 92–100); Norden, Agn. Th. 228ff; JMainz, Die Bed. der Dreizahl im Judentum 1922; Clemen2 125–28; NSöderblom, Vater, Sohn u. Geist 1909; DNielsen, Der dreieinige Gott I 1922; GKrüger, Das Dogma v. der Dreieinigkeit 1905, 46ff; AHarnack, Entstehung u. Entwicklung der Kirchenverfassung 1910, 187ff; JHaussleiter, Trinitarischer Glaube u. Christusbekenntnis in der alten Kirche: BFCT XXV 4, 1920; JLebreton, Histoire du dogme de la Trinité I: Les origines6 1927; RBlümel, Pls u. d. dreieinige Gott 1929.—On the whole word FRüsche, D. Seelenpneuma ’33; HLeisegang, Der Hl. Geist I 1, 1919; EBurton, ICC Gal 1921, 486–95; PVolz, Der Geist Gottes u. d. verwandten Erscheinungen im AT 1910; JHehn, Zum Problem des Geistes im alten Orient u. im AT: ZAW n.s. 2, 1925, 210–25; SLinder, Studier till Gamla Testamentets föreställningar om anden 1926; AMarmorstein, Der Hl. Geist in der rabb. Legende: ARW 28, 1930, 286–303; NSnaith, The Distinctive Ideas of the OT ’46, 229–37; FDillistone, Bibl. Doctrine of the Holy Spirit: Theology Today 3, ’46/47, 486–97; TNicklin, Gospel Gleanings ’50, 341–46; ESchweizer, CDodd Festschr., ’56, 482–508; DLys, Rûach, Le Souffle dans l’AT, ’62; DHill, Gk. Words and Hebr. Mngs. ’67, 202–93.—HGunkel, Die Wirkungen des Hl. Geistes2 1899; HWeinel, Die Wirkungen des Geistes u. der Geister im nachap. Zeitalter 1899; EWinstanley, The Spirit in the NT 1908; HSwete, The Holy Spirit in the NT 1909, The Holy Spirit in the Ancient Church 1912; EScott, The Spirit in the NT 1923; FBüchsel, Der Geist Gottes im NT 1926; EvDobschütz, Der Geistbesitz des Christen im Urchristentum: Monatsschr. für Pastoral-theol. 20, 1924, 228ff; FBadcock, ‘The Spirit’ and Spirit in the NT: ET 45, ’34, 218–21; RBultmann, Theologie des NT ’48, 151–62 (Eng. tr. KGrobel, ’51, I 153–64); ESchweizer, Geist u. Gemeinde im NT ’52, Int 6, ’52, 259–78.—WTosetti, Der Hl. Geist als göttliche Pers. in den Evangelien 1918; HLeisegang, Pneuma Hagion. Der Ursprung des Geistbegriffs der Syn. Ev. aus der griech. Mystik 1922; AFrövig, Das Sendungsbewusstsein Jesu u. der Geist 1924; HWindisch, Jes. u. d. Geist nach Syn. Überl.: Studies in Early Christianity, presented to FCPorter and BWBacon 1928, 209–36; FSynge, The Holy Spirit in the Gospels and Acts: CQR 120, ’35, 205–17; CBarrett, The Holy Spirit and the Gospel Trad. ’47.—ESokolowski, Die Begriffe Geist u. Leben bei Pls 1903; KDeissner, Auferstehungshoffnung u. Pneumagedanke bei Pls 1912; GVos, The Eschatological Aspect of the Pauline Conception of the Spirit: Bibl. and Theol. Studies by the Faculty of Princeton Theol. Sem. 1912, 209–59; HBertrams, Das Wesen des Geistes nach d. Anschauung des Ap. Pls 1913; WReinhard, Das Wirken des Hl. Geistes im Menschen nach den Briefen des Ap. Pls 1918; HHoyle, The Holy Spirit in St. Paul 1928; PGächter, Z. Pneumabegriff des hl. Pls: ZKT 53, 1929, 345–408; ASchweitzer, D. Mystik des Ap. Pls 1930, 159–74 al. [Mysticism of Paul the Apostle, tr. WMontgomery ’31, 160–76 al.]; E-BAllo, RB 43, ’34, 321–46 [1 Cor]; Ltzm., Hdb. exc. after Ro 8:11; Synge [s. above], CQR 119, ’35, 79–93 [Pauline epp.]; NWaaning, Onderzoek naar het gebruik van πνεῦμα bij Pls, diss. Amsterd. ’39; RJewett, Paul’s Anthropological Terms, ’71, 167–200.—HvBaer, Der Hl. Geist in den Lukasschriften 1926; MGoguel, La Notion joh. de l’Esprit 1902; JSimpson, The Holy Spirit in the Fourth Gospel: Exp., 9th ser., 4, 1925, 292–99; HWindisch, Jes. u. d. Geist im J.: Amicitiae Corolla (RHarris Festschr.) ’33, 303–18; WLofthouse, The Holy Spirit in Ac and J: ET 52, ’40/41, 334–36; CBarrett, The Holy Spirit in the Fourth Gospel: JTS 1 n.s., ’50, 1–15; FCrump, Pneuma in the Gospels, diss. Catholic Univ. of America, ’54; GLampe, Studies in the Gospels (RHLightfoot memorial vol.) ’55, 159–200; NHamilton, The Holy Spirit and Eschatology in Paul, ’57; WDavies, Paul and the Dead Sea Scrolls, Flesh and Spirit: The Scrolls and the NT, ed. KStendahl, ’57, 157–82.—GJohnston, ‘Spirit’ and ‘Holy Spirit’ in the Qumran Lit.: NT Sidelights (ACPurdy Festschr.) ’60, 27–42; JPryke, ‘Spirit’ and ‘Flesh’ in Qumran and NT, RevQ 5, ’65, 346–60; HBraun, Qumran und d. NT II, ’66, 150–64; DHill, Greek Words and Hebrew Meanings, ’67, 202–93; WBieder, Pneumatolog. Aspekte im Hb, OCullmann Festschr. ’72, 251–59; KEasley, The Pauline Usage of πνεύματι as a Reference to the Spirit of God: JETS 27, ’84, 299–313 (statistics).—B. 260; 1087. Pauly-W. XIV 387–412. BHHW I 534–37. Schmidt, Syn. II 218–50. New Docs 4, 38f. DELG s.v. πνέω. M-M. Dict. de la Bible XI 126–398. EDNT. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > πνεῦμα

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  • One Lone Car — at House of Blues Atlantic City,2008 Background information Origin St. Louis, Missouri, United States …   Wikipedia

  • One Piece Film: Strong World — Original theatrical release poster Kana ワンピースフィルム ストロングワールド Rōmaji W …   Wikipedia

  • Variety — Va*ri e*ty, n.; pl. {Varieties}. [L. varietas: cf. F. vari[ e]t[ e]. See {Various}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The quality or state of being various; intermixture or succession of different things; diversity; multifariousness. [1913 Webster] Variety is… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Variety hybrid — Variety Va*ri e*ty, n.; pl. {Varieties}. [L. varietas: cf. F. vari[ e]t[ e]. See {Various}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The quality or state of being various; intermixture or succession of different things; diversity; multifariousness. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Variety (magazine) — Variety Editor Timothy M. Gray Categories Trade Entertainment Frequency Weekly and Daily First issue …   Wikipedia

  • Variety, the Children's Charity — was founded in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on October 10, 1927 when a group of eleven men involved in show business set up a social club which they named the Variety Club . On Christmas Eve 1928, a small baby was left on the steps of a movie theatre …   Wikipedia

  • One-Design — is a racing method where all vehicles or boats have identical or very similar designs or models. It is also known as Spec series. It is heavily used in sailboat racing. All competitors in a race are then judged based on a single start time. One… …   Wikipedia

  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (film) — One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest Theatrical release poster Directed by Miloš Forman …   Wikipedia

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